[quote=manapool1] (Appearance)Name: seigfreid fjordmind (called around the lines of siggy)Age: 17Gender: malePersonality: sweet. gentile and nice, but can be scary and emotionless if needs be. Very absent minded and clumsy, often hungryCrush/Relationship: alivia(Dragon Appearance)Dragon Name:harbingerDragon Type:whispering deathDragon Gender: FemaleOther: Injured to many teeth and spikes are metal or fake ivory(dragon) and the boy happens to work as an animal hand, both dragon and other animal breeder of such. [/quote] Your picture is broken Not accepted for two reasons 1.You did not read the rules 2. I don't feel as though the whispering death or screaming death would be dragons that were trained(despite it saying they are trainable, I just don't agree). Sorry [quote=Sightles] Name: Seelo LanderAge: 17Gender: MaleApprentice: Seelo stands roughly 5'11'', and weighs about 155 lbs. Lean and fit, Seelo sees himself as the prototypical dragon trainer. He believes it is every dragon trainers responsibility to be a well mannered, and thoughtful, individual that does the right things at the right moment. This is reflected in his posture and clothing. While his clothes are not too special, Seelo always wears a armored shoulder piece on his right shoulder, along with iron plates on his kneecaps and elbows. Beyond this, Seelo does not wear any armor or padding. This has left Seelo rather bruised, and somewhat cut up. Seelo's hair is short, and close to his head, the brown field of his hair left messy and in a almost-constant state of 'bedhead'. Personality: Friendly, somewhat goofy, headstrong in beliefs especially in ones that concern the treatment and raising of dragons. Can become extremely determined in certain objectives, especially when he feels personally challenged. Crush/Relationship: None, as of now.Dragon Name: BusterDragon Type: Terrible TerrorDragon Gender: MaleLink to Dragon: http://howtotrainyourdragon.wikia.com/wiki/Terrible_TerrorOther: Buster is fairly larger than most terrible terrors, possessing a quite the large frame, along with chocolate brown scales. While most of it is simply fat, Buster knows how to use his weight. Buster's personality feeds off of the bravado Seelo will typically take on during a challenge. Both know they are no where near the best dragon/dragon trainer combo, but they know that few possess their amount of determination, which leads most of their ventures into a successful one. Typically, Buster is a friendly, if stoic, dragon, that prefers to stay near Seelo at most times.RAWR I'M A DRAGON [/quote] Accepted, but you do know you can't really ride a terrible terror right?