Isabeau's temper was on the rise; it was brought down for a moment when one of them, one of the males no less, actually apologized. It may not have been sincere, Isabeau had her doubts, but it was better than simply ignoring her. And she was going to lower her voice, be more civil, the apology having calmed her down a tad. But then the red haired girl, the incredibly rude one from earlier - of course she would be here - spoke up, yelling like a wild beast. And just like that, Isabeau's temper flared up again. "Outsider? UNPREPARED?" Isabeau fired back, holding her ground against the verbal attack, "Yes, I'm sure an ignorant shoopuff like you is somehow more qualified to be here than I am, someone who is related to the one who SAVED SPIRA. Newsflash: the temples are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, and last I checked, I'M PART OF THE PUBLIC. Don't act all high and mighty, because guess what? YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED IN THE CLOISTER EITHER!" Isabeau then reached into her outfit, removing the ornate rod from its resting place on her hip. She thrusts it forward, proudly, a cocky expression on her face, eyes closed for effect. "And I'll have you know I'm never unprepared. The abilities I have can make anyone, fiend or man, flee in terro-" She opened her eyes and noticed the red head had moved towards the other girl who was pounding onto the glass coffin. "Would someone please get miss dramatic over there away from the Fayth and then instruct her on history, please? So overdramatic, it's disgusting." Isabeau huffed her shoulders. This tour was a joke.