ChadsWorth The Thrid said
An official looking goat walks in to the meeting room. He is wearing a goofy army hat, with at least on metetric ton of badges upon it. He sits down on one of the empty chairs and proceeds to look uncomfortable. He opens his mouth to speak, but looks a bit distant. He remembers and then speaks with a serious look on his face. He gets up and leaves, slamming the door. On the table, one gold bag for everyone in the room appeared, each with 100 gold in them. A note was attached to one. It stated "You're welcome- GM."
"Having the goblin king saved is all the reward I need..." Derlinder said..."Though the coin will help." The goat hurriedly levitated a bag and took it, before his book snapped shut, placed in a bag under his robe alongside the money. "Gentlemen...We shall head, for Doom-Town!" The goat galloped out the door...
And stopped to wait for his companions. "...Come to think of it, that name sure is fore-shadowing...Hmm."