((For Sep)) "As you wish, sir," said Tyerlon. "I will prepare the report and meet you in ten minutes." Ten minutes later, Tyerlon was at the Admiral's quarters, and knocked curtly on the door. The Admiral told him to enter and he did so, walking to the center of the room and holding his datapad behind his back. "Sir, the Venator is currently at ninety-seven percent on all systems, which is very good. The two Imperial-II class Star Destroyers sit at seventy-six and eighty-one, respectively; still full combat-ready, sir, as most of the deficiencies are in non-essential systems, but the parts are harder and harder to come by. The Republic and the Remnant have a virtual monopoly on parts for those ships. The Imperial I's are in a similar state, at seventy-nine, eighty-six, and seventy-seven, again, mostly non-essential deficiencies. As for the escort ships, the four Lancers are all at operational status in the nineties, the two Nebulon-Bs are near one hundred, and the five Bayonets are likewise near a hundred percent." --- ((For Nortrom)) "Jedi Nortrom, welcome," said the man seated at the desk. He wore a tan New Republic military officer's uniform, and had graying black hair with piercing blue eyes. "I have requested your assistance in this matter because, as I'm sure you can imagine, Jedi can sense and see things that many others cannot. I am Colonel Elkin, the head of New Republic Intelligence in this Sector. I won't waste your time or mine, because time is short, so I will tell you this: Imperial Intelligence is operating here. This is very disturbing because Trandoin is a fortress world; no one is supposed to be able to get in or out without us knowing. We are, as of yet, unsure as to what their purpose is and what information specifically they are trying to uncover, but we have three leads which you can pursue, if you wish. The first is a small cave complex to the north, about two hundred kilometers from here. There is no record of any Imperial facilities there from when the Empire occupied this world, but there are faint energy readings coming from it; it may be an Imperial listening post. The second lead is a man named Wron Jesgoh. He obstinately works as a cafe owner downtown in the civilian district, but we have reason to believe he may be operating as an Imperial informant due to his contacts and his presence at odd places at odd times. The third lead is a man named Jsarl Frei. This one is a bit sensitive because is a contractor with some high-ranking contacts in the Republic. You can find him in his office downtown." --- ((For Fat Boy Kyle)) Gavine saw the look in his torturer's eyes when he received his message, and the look inspired panic in Gavine when he heard the words, “Now might be the last chance to save your friends." In that moment, Gavine forgot about loyalty and duty to the crown and to anything else, and thought that maybe loyalty meant keeping safe those whom you loved. "The mountains!" blurted out Gavine. "The mountains! I don't know where exactly, they move around, but please don't hurt them if you find them!" --- ((For theGodfather)) Groga Junna, stood, the Bith equivalent of a smile fading from his face as the intruders entered his magnificent banquet hall. His guests fell silent at the sight of the armed men who now approached. With a wave of his hand, two dozen guards drew their weapons and pointed them at Vilka and his men. "So nice of you to come," said Groga sarcastically. "Welcome to my fine estate. I'm sure it looks quite different from the last time you were here." The guards on both sides were tense, their hands gripping their weapons tightly and ready for any wrong twitch from the other side.