Jurgen shook his head. Of course Eve preferred matches. "I'm not buying you matches, Eve. Those things are fucking expensive. If you want matches, buy them yourself." he said, and then the cyborg counted out two hundred credits and handed it off to his android companion. "Don't spend it all, that's your start-up. Turn that into a million bucks." he told her as encouragingly as he could. And then Jurgen laughed as Eve admitted that she understood no more than he did. That was all well and good, then. They kept walking, and the cyborg wondered who would send him a robot just out of the blue. He rode that train of thought longer than he should have, and was lost inside his mind when someone grabbed him, yanking him into an alley quite suddenly, and demanding his money. "You wanna play, motherfucker?" Jurgen asked, responding to the man's demands by grabbing his knife off of his arm, and using his mechanical arm to stop his opponent from sticking a blade in his gut. He snapped the cheap knife his attacker had probably stolen, and tried to stab the guy in the face. It didn't work so well, and the man skipped away a bit, leaving Jurgen's knife to stick into the wall. The mugger had grabbed a bit of pipe laying on the ground and looked about ready to attack again, but the cyborg wasn't having any of it. He didn't know where Eve was, but that was okay, he didn't want to develop a reliance on her. He wrenched his knife free of the wall, flipped it over, so he was holding the blade, and whipped it the ten or so feet to his opponent. The man swung with the pipe, hoping to block the flying blade, but only succeeded in getting about a foot of steel stuck between his left radius and ulna. With a chuckle, Jurgen feinted forward with a right hook, using his left arm to block, but then bitch-slapped the mugger onto his ass with his metal arm, He was ready to curb-stomp the poor bastard, but he was kind of hoping Eve would show up. This was all happening so fast, it would be nice to know that he had back-up. "You still want my money, bitch?" he asked, doing his best to look mean. He stomped toward the mugger, grabbing the man's left arm, and ripping his knife out. He made a face at the blood all over the place and glared at the now-rather pitiful sight. "Get the fuck out of here." he said scornfully. His attacker quickly retreated, probably to the nearest medical centre. The man had been relying on surprise, but even with that, the barely-functioning chip in Jurgen's head let him react appropriately seventy-two percent of the time, every time. Then the cyborg turned to look for his android. Had she kept walking? He looked around and headed back to the sidewalk, wondering if she had even noticed his absence...