Jason stared at Avril as she passed by, and he didn't appreciate the glance she threw at him as he hissed slightly. Amanda looked back to Avril, and Adam, she waved at Adam slightly in attempt to lighten the tense mood in between the couples. Jason scowled. ''For f**k's sake, are you really befriending the dog?'' He asked, crossing his arms. Amanda blinked, and looked back up at Jason. ''At least he doesn't want anything from me. He doesn't /need/ anything or rather something in particular from me. I think that makes him good enough to befriend him.'' She spit out, and began walking away to their next class. Jason stared at Adam, and Avril's retreating backs, and only rolled his eyes as he followed behind Amanda. He only had to bare with Amanda's anger state for a while, he was sure she was going to come around. And although her mind spoke nothing around him at the moment, he knew she was going to come around, and fall right at his feet-- once again. At least he hoped so. After four more hours, that included a couple more lectures, and lunch break in between. ''I am going home early.'' Amanda said, as she gathered her things. ''It's a little sunny still, stay for a while.'' He said, with a smile, that seemed forced and rehearsed. Amanda was clearly still mad at him.''I have better things to do, you go find another meal for dinner while you hang out in the library, ha.'' She said, as if she was suggesting, but sarcasm was dripping out of her full lips. Before more words could be spoken, she walked off, leaving him being. Knowing Amanda, Jason groaned--quite loudly, and made his way to the library. Jason could only wait for a certain limit, and he knew how well he effected Amanda, so it wasn't going to take long. Almost all the college was filling out, while Amanda made her way to Adam's office. She only wanted to thank him without being a total mess, and crying. She knocked the door, and slipped inside. ''Professor?'' She said, trying to catch his attention. She gave him a soft smile. her face was washed now, all the make-up has been removed, and only traces of eyeliner were around her eyelids. ''I am sorry for breaking down on you earlier, and thank you very much.'' She said, lowering her head slightly. '' Good luck with whatever problem you got as well.'' She added, she looked a little nervous, and embarrassed as she stood there.