Alice grit her teeth to Wolf's words, a look of anger on her as she listened to him [i]'goes to show you what you know Wolf, if everyone fought, I'm sure Maximus would had made sure the lab was protected from harm, and I don't know anything about honor? Ha!, I know every definition of honor and every use for the word, as for your intentions, they might have been to protect the lab but they were completely irrational! and it doesn't matter if you're stopping the dark saiyans for your own reasons, if you fight them you're helping us whether you mean to or not...'[/i] she thought to herself, unknowingly electricity was jumping around her dangerously as she glared at Wolf when he left, then her glare was directed to Kaliflur when she spoke "sure at first he seemed to be fighting to defend the lab, but then he got the bright idea the to "help" us by helping the one attacking by attacking our allies!" Alice said in an angered tone "and I assure you, that Maximus would have done his best to protect this facility with minimal damage done to it, even if it was from our allies, so Wolf's actions were unnecessary... and maybe some on our little team are primitives, But Maximus is anything but Primitive... I should know.. I built him..." Alice finished in a slightly hurt tone as she began to calm down "and there are more ways to show honor then by fighting with it or for it..." she said quietly as she left the lab with her data-pad in hand . Maximus walked over to Amber's unconscious body and picked her up bridal style then he turned to face Glacier, he assumed she was okay and nodded to her before he jumped into the hole in the roof, he floated down to the floor before making his way out of the lab and heading towards the medical bay to drop off Amber