Okuda smiled at the revelation, “Thank you Gavine. That is all I needed to know”. Okuda stepped over to the guard and retrieved his helmet, but as he did so whispered in the guard’s ear, “See what else you can find out. If nothing else make it painful and loud; I want the squeamish men outside to hear.” Stepping through the door Okuda turned back to Gavine and purposefully held up his pendant, “When the last of your loved ones are face down in the mud with military boots on their necks, I’ll ensure the last thing they hear is that it was you who betrayed them”. With a sinister he closed the door, and as he did heard a scream of anger or sadness – of which he couldn’t be sure. Okuda strolled past the three men who were alerted by the sound and smirked. Okuda began heading for the barracks to find his squad. He would end this particular rebel group today and he would be all the more popular with his superiors (and the Coreldan military) for doing so.