Iris sighed at Jack's request. "You seriously want me to deal with that?" she said in an irritated tone. "Here let me see," she said grabbing his hand and looking at the splinter while digging her other hand through the bag that hung on her side. Soon enough she found what she was looking for pulling a primitive pair of tweezers and a [url=]clear orb[/url]. She quickly pulled out the Splinter with the tweezers, and as soon as the splinter was free of Jack's skin the Orb began to glow a pale green and let off a green mist. The mist began to swirl around the "Injured" finger quickly closing up the wound left by the splinter. "Congratulations you are going to live" she said sarcastically letting go of Jack's hand. "Now if anyone else needs me I'm going to be asleep so try not to die for a few hours." She said out loud before heading to the upper levels to claim a room and catch up on the sleep she missed the night before. Silus then walked up to Jack "I swear she will be nicer after her nap. She is just grumpy because she had the night watch on our way over." he assured the man. Taking notice to the man's hands it was clear that he wasn't a fighter, or a blacksmith. But that only brought up questions of what he did do for the hunters. "Her name is Iris by the way, and I am Silus nice to meet you Jason." he said patting Jack on the back before heading upstairs to drop off his own equipment. Soon after Silus came back down to the main level leaving his shield, spear and Javelins in his quarters for the moment, but still wore his sword in case something were to happen. He made his way to the grand hall and saw a group of men drinking meed. "Heidrek, you let your men drink this early? That is a bit sloppy even for a barbarian." He yelled knowing that Heidrek was somewhere in the kitchen. "Leave those men alone, they were night watch and finished their shift an hour ago. They earned a bit of a drink after work" Heidrek barked back without even taking a glance. With that being said Silus gave a nod to the men and continued on his way. Silus propped himself up against a door into the kitchen. "So who here is going to be on my team?" Silus asked while Heidrek started putting the finishing touches to his meal. "I'll point them out to you while everyone eats. Now make yourself useful and help me move this food out." Heidrek answered as he started to move out trays of food to be set on the tables. And it didn't take Silus long before he moved to help Heidrek set up for breakfast.