The door was quickly opened, though the knife made her raise a brow for a moment. "If someone really wanted to get in here, I doubt a knife like that would help much." She commented, getting in a moment later. Once he was done he explained a few things. She liked the idea of some kind of bed. The hardness or softness of the surface didn't matter for her body. Though feeling something soft below you did make for a better bed. Jurgen was clearly not up for anything right now, as he was already walking to his bedroom. She had to stop him for a moment though. "One sec. I do have a sleep mode I have to use every day, but only four hours. Any chance I can get a key of the fire escape so I don't lock myself out if I want a smoke or something?" She left it at that though. Whether it was a yes or a no, it was clear that he just wanted this day to get over with. Or to at least get to bed. If she did lock herself out and didn't have a key, it wouldn't be much of a problem to just stay outside for a while. Once the door closed behind Jurgen Eve decided to just sit on the couch and watch TV for a while. That, and a little snack. Exploring the district in the way she did used up only about 5% of her energy reserves, but it was better to keep everything working in top condition. After about an hour of trying to learn from the world she was 'living' in though, Eve gave up. TV was mostly just stupid crap. So she decided to go into sleep mode now, and see if there was anything good to watch again the next morning. ---------------------- It was only just getting lighter outside when Eve woke up again. Though something weird had happened. A data file in her memory that hadn't been there before. She tried to open it, but got an error message instead. 'Owner required.' Eve sighed, having no choice but to wait until Jurgen woke up before she could find out what this data file was. For that matter, he would probably not be pleased to have even more shit happening to him just after he had woken up. "Ugh...fuckin' creator. The hell was he thinking, dropping me at some random place without me even knowing who he is." She muttered to herself, feeling a little irritated now. "I need a smoke or two." Eve went outside and sat down on the small balcony. The sun was rising, so at least she could watch something pretty as she sat there. (If he did give her a key she'd go back inside after about an hour. I'm guessing it would be around 4 or 5 am now.)