[quote=Leon5431] Well, hopefully it will be staying up. So I would like to be able to get a post up today. So in order to do that, I will need to know our current situation. [/quote] Currently, many of the college's students have been sent out for missions outside of the college, so I'm afraid that neither of your characters can currently participate. FEAR NOT! For I have other things you could try to do. For starters, meet the new bloods! Pylia, Arkaeis, Pitch, and Pyx are potetnial people you could attempt to befriend, Pitch and Pylia more likely since those two should just be at their dormitories. Be hospitable neighbors! There aren't any classes, but if you're looking to get involved in a side quest or something, I have some ideas I can dole out. If you're looking for jobs, Tyrael would have some not-so-lethal jobs for them to do, mostly entering the crypts below the catacombs and dealing with some skeletal undead. They are resistant to stabbing and slashing damage, but fairly weak. The by product of some botched Necromancy, they aren't too tough but they might harm any students who would have some reason to be disturbing the dead down there, like other necromancers. They aren't actively dangerous or anything, and the binding on them is so bad that destroying the skeletons would be enough to break the binding. It's basically just a clean up job, though as usual be careful. If you're looking for some more dangerous work, Tyrael could send your characters into the Ravine to mine some more crystaloids for him. There'd be high level monsters and demons if you're up to it, and other dangers usually involving the Ravine. Tyrael will at least have the mercy to warp you to somewhere that is low on demon/ravine activity, but again you can never be too careful down there. If you want to do more people-person things, find Underhaven. It's open hours right now, so maybe your characters could stumble in and get a job from the manager. She just needs someone to collect tabs from some of the students who drink at Underhaven, and preferably don't get too violent on them. Just get the money or at least some compensation that would tell the manager that the deadbeats will get her their money back.