[u][b]Furcht - Corelda[/b][/u] Furcht checked his time piece for what had to be the 200th time, he couldn't believe it, the LT wanted to see him. He stood up, adjusting his uniform in the mirror. After months of work and finally rising through the ranks, this had to be his first assignment as team leader, it had to be. After giving himself one last look over, he strapped on his freshly cleaned and polished blasters and headed towards the officers area. He stopped outside his lieutenants office and set his shoulders squarely before knocking quietly on the door. "Enter." Furcht opened the door into an extremely well organized office where there was a middle aged human sitting behind the desk looking at him patiently. Furcht shut the door behind him and stood at attention "You wanted to see me sir?". ((Feel free to take it away from here))