Shiva wasn't exactly quick on the draw in comparison to her team mates. By the time she levelled her weapon and fired off bolts of plasma into the enemies by the door, they had already been shot to pieces by the rest. The thing to do then was to find cover, and Shiva was quick to sprint across to the opposite wall of the corridor and hide behind an open-seated parked lifting vehicle. The volume of fire was the most it had been in the entire mission. Shiva barely managed to find even a chance to peek, but Shuo presented opportunities via catching the enemies' attention. He was a big target, but also a tough one. The call to push the left side of the corridor from where they were facing put Shiva in a fortunate position. She flicked out the bipod attachment of her weapon, brought it up to the seat of the vehicle she was hiding behind such that she was looking across to the enemy positions, and sustained covering fire over any she spotted poking their little heads out. Trying to keep them suppressed sent a couple of bullets her way which were easily deflected by her shield, but any bullet that wasn't coming her way was going Shuo's. It looked like he took a hit, but he seemed fine. The combination of Shiva's suppressing fire and Shuo's assault would give the rest of the team a good opportunity to move up. Shiva just hoped they would take it before her weapon overheated.