[hider=Chloe] Name: Chloe Nickname/Alias: N/A Age: 20 DOB: April 7th (At least, thats the date she was found) Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Appearance: [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/077/1/7/almost_useful_armor_by_pappis-d4t49e6.jpg] Other Details: Her guild mark is located on her right bicep, its dark Green in color. Has a large scar that runs diagonally from her right shoulder to her left hip.(Ignore giant hammer. She doesn't have one...yet.) Personality: Chloe is one of the more lively guild members. Friendly, outgoing, she's always the first, or one of the first people, to welcome new guild members. She's stubborn, hot headed, and a bit on the violent side when it comes to fighting. While she doesn't actively seek fights, she will never back down from one either. She doesn't take most things seriously though, even a fight that could have serious consequences. Still, she's loyal as they come and she's not afraid to get serious if she has to, but its rarely ever happened. She's quick to anger, but also quick to forgive and forget. She's a strong willed woman who knows how to handle herself, and is skilled in fighting with her bare hands, something she learned at an early age how to do. Arsenal: N/A Magic Type: Caster Mage Rank: High C to Low B Magic: [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Earth_Magic]Earth Magic[/url] Spells: [b]Defensive[/b] Stone Giants Armor: The caster is coated in a hard but flexible layer of earth, increasing defense against all attacks. Can be pierced if a moderate amount of force is applied though. Stone Giants Shield: A massive wall of earth erupts in front of the user, blocking all attacks in that one direction. [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Diver]Diver[/url] [b]Offensive[/b] Hands of the Stone Giant: - Two massive hands made of stone are created from the surrounding earth. They act as an extension of the casters hands. Can be used to block incoming attacks, or hit something with enough force to be sent flying. The giant hands possess enough strength to crush solid steel within seconds. Rampage of the Stone Giant: Numerous earthen spikes rise from the ground at high speed and rush at the target. The length can be changed on the whim of the caster. Hammer of the Stone Giant: A giant earthen hammer is created from the surrounding earth and smashes the target with great force. If used in conjunction with "Hands of the Stone Giant" Its destructive force is doubled. Biography : Chloe doesn't know her real parents, or even her real name. She was found by a group of travelling merchants abandoned in the wilderness. Judging from wreckage in the area and a few dark red stains on the earth, something, or someone must have killed everyone but the girl. The merchants, unable to leave the baby girl there, decided to take her in and raise her themselves. It was a, interesting life, to put it lightly. The merchants trained her how to fight at a young age as well, since they were always short on protection, and the wilderness at night could be a dangerous place. They trained her mostly in hand to hand combat, since they didn't trust a little kid with their weapons. In all, Chloe enjoyed the life the merchants gave her, even if it was a little hard every once in awhile. It didn't last though.... One night, the merchants were attacked by mages from a dark guild. None of the merchants stood a chance, and though Chloe tried to fight them, she was no match for them since she didn't have any magic herself. She was given a large wound across her chest and left for dead. She would have been, had a mage not stumbled upon the scene moments later. He patched up Chloe's wounds and saw that she had magic in her blood. He offered to teach her how to use earth magic, and she accepted. After a few years of training, her master, a man by the name of Juha, said that he taught her all he could teach, and that she should travel the lands, possibly even join a guild to further her own abilities, and that if she came back later and he deemed her worthy, he had something he wanted to give her. After a goodbye, she left. Her travels soon brought her to Fairy Tail, and she eagerly joined. Other: I plan on her getting more spells as we go through the RP, Obviously. Though she is seemingly skilled in earth magic, she can't change its properties yet, meaning she can't turn earth into something as solid as Iron. [/hider] [hider=Acacia] Name: Acacia Cornet Nickname/Alias: The Violet Spear Age: 23 DOB: October 13 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual, though appears to have little interested in such matters. Appearance : [img=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/161/e/d/oc_commision_4_by_blackmyst-d68k6qk.png] Other Details : Currently not in the guild. A practitioner of dark magic that seeks to gain power for her own reasons. Personality: Cold, calculating and just all around not generally a good person. Slow to anger and level headed, even under stressful circumstances, usually. She's the type to plan ahead for almost any possible outcome and have several escape routes planned should her plans go awry. She's skilled at this, and can easily name weaknesses and exploits and places that would make for a good escape route. A master manipulator, she can easily make others do as she wish, either through charm, or through black mail if that should fail. If both fail, she will not hesitate to resort to violence and use of fear to get what she wants. She doesn't do much direct fighting. Preferring to let her enemies tear themselves apart or send someone to do her dirty work. Do not mistake her hesitation to fight for weakness however, as she is quite adept and magic and physical combat. She is absolutely ruthless, and will not give any quarter to her enemies. Words don't have a place during battle, and any who think they do shouldn't be fighting. Light and agile on her feet, those who make the mistake of thinking that her physical defenses are lacking are in for a beating. She delights in making her enemies suffer before ending them. Arsenal: A Spear attuned to dark magic. Spells cast through the spear are amplified. Quite skilled at using it as a Melee weapon as well. [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs11/300W/i/2006/237/9/7/Xaldin__s_Halloween_Spear_by_CoolBlueX.jpg] Magic Type: Caster Mage Rank: High A rank, verging on S rank in terms of power, if she was going to be ranked by a guild. Magic: [URL=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Darkness_Magic] Darkness Magic[/Url] Spells: Darkness Magic: Mainly skilled in darkness magic, it is her main form of combat. However, she has dabbled in other areas and has created some spells from them. [b]Deffensive Spells[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Barrier]Dark Barrier[/url] = as usual though, hers is a dark purple color and can be enlarged to form a protective sphere around her, not just one direction. Dark Repulsion: Repels anything around the caster and throws them in a random direction with an immense force. Anything sufficiently fast may break through the repulsion field though. Dark Parasite: A type of Organic Link magic. The user forces a magic bond with a target, slowly draining them of their magic and replenishing their own reserves. Somewhat difficult to achieve such a link in direct combat, as the caster must physically touch the victim. Its effects aren't noticeable immediately, but over a period of time the victim should notice a problem of their magic reserves. Can only be used on one person at a time. [b]offensive spells[/b] [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Wave]Dark Wave[/url] = However, the coloration of her magic is a dark purple color. She can perform this with either her feet or her fists, or the end of her staff. Void Javelin: Similar to Chain magic. Instead of grappling hooks though, numerous spears are shot towards the target. The chains are much harder to break and the spears can be manipulated simply through the casters hand motions. For more precise control though, the caster must hold the chains. Void Storm: A void opens beneath the target and a swirling vortex of dark magic engulfs them. Anything inside is lashed with razor sharp shards of solidified dark magic. Void Pulse: Similar to [url=http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Pulse]Dark Pulse[/url], but much more pin point accurate. Able to cause either a single large explosion, or a chain of smaller explosions. Void Obliterate: By far, her most powerful spell. The user gathers a sphere of dark magic in their hands, or another focal point. (I.E. A staff) After releasing the built up energy, it releases a beam of pure dark magic in a wide area in the direction the caster desires, turning anything it hits that's not a human into dust. Very powerful and consumes a large amount of energy. Usually her trump card, since it takes a lot of energy to cast. Other Magic Re-quip: Since a dress isn't that good for fighting in, she keeps a suit more geared towards it in a small Re-quip pocket. It doesn't have any special properties, but it is less restrictive than a dress. Teleportation magic: She uses this to move about, seemingly without moving on a battle field. Biography: Acacia was born on a cold October night in a remote region near the border of Bosco to a family of secretive mages. They were unaffiliated with the magic council or dark guilds, and were essentially an independent faction of mages. Acacia was the fourth born of her parents, meaning she got the short end of the straw when it came to her parents training and favoritism. Though they treated her like her three other siblings, her magic power was relatively weak compared to theirs, making living in a family of mages where magic power was everything a bit difficult. She persevered and became quite adept with teleportation magic at a young age. Despite that, however, she was far behind her siblings. She wanted to be the favorite for once. But she had no idea how she should even go about it. There was only so much a child could do. She couldn't shoot flames like her eldest brother, bend the earth like her sister, or even use reflector like her youngest brother. All she could do was use some teleportation magic. It wasn't flashy. It wasn't very useful. You could hardly do anything with it. For a time, she resigned herself to be a disappointment to her parents. Until one day, they brought home a rather interesting weapon... It was early morning, and Acacia was supposed to be in bed. However, for some reason, she couldn't bring herself to get back to sleep. Instead of laying restlessly in bed, she decided to see if there was anything interesting going on. That was when she heard her father talking to some of his friends about a recent item they had...'procured'. Curious about such an item, Acacia used her magic to get to the item unseen by her father. She had a direct line of sight to where it was laying, so it was easy enough. After pulling the cover off of it, Acacia laid eyes on the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. A spear, the same color as her hair. She was just about to touch it, but her father saw her in time. He decided to confine her to her room for a week. For days she couldn't get that spear out of her head. It haunted her dreams, and she wanted it. All she had to do was get it from the Vault, where her parents stored all of their magic artifacts. Getting in would be easy. All she had to do was wait until someone was coming out, and teleport in before it closed. After that, it was easy....or it should have been. Acacia made it to the spear. She touched it and held it in her hands. It felt right to her, like it should stay there. She felt....powerful holding it. For some reason, she knew with this she could be powerful...she could finally surpass her brothers and sisters and gain the favor of her parents. But how? It was just a spear. it couldn't do anything by itself, could it? It was then she noticed an old dusty tome sitting in the corner of the vault. It detailed a few spells. After trying to learn a few and failing, she almost gave up. She got the idea from somewhere to try it holding the spear, and suddenly it almost became as easy as breathing was. after a few months of practicing in secret, she was able to cast the spells without the help of the spear. At the same time she became more and more obsessed with beating her brothers and sisters, and becoming more powerful. One day, she completely lost it and used some of the magic she was working on in secret, impaling her oldest brother several times, killing him instantly. After this, her parents locked her in her room with several magic seals around it, hoping to prevent her from leaving. As they wanted to find a solution to their problem. She had murdered someone with dark magic, after all. The council would find out eventually, and they couldn't have an investigation launched into some of their more...questionable activities. Her parents decided that handing her over in return for no investigations launched. She found a way out though, and even though they had locked the spear away somewhere else, she found it. And she killed them. All of them. Even the servants, and she made sure each of her siblings and parents received the harshest deaths that she could inflict. This was the last time she would be called weak, and the last time she would take orders from someone. She continued to refine her magic skills alone. She didn't need anyone else. They would only try to order her around and prevent her from reaching her full power. Eventually though, she got word of some interesting things going on and decided to see if she could get in on some of it....[/hider] And there are my two guys from the last RP. I hope they are still acceptable, if not I will be more than happy to edit them~