Managed to dig up the character sheet. [b]Name[/b]: Zephyr Buford [b]Nickname/Alias[/b]: Old Man Zephyr [b]Age[/b]: 64 [b]DOB[/b]: July 13 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Sexuality[/b]: Heterosexual [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Show][img][/img][/hider] Other Details : N/A [b]Personality[/b]: Zephyr is a strong willed man who will remain completely calm even in the most dire of situations and push forward with no hesitation. He is warmhearted, friendly, advising, open-minded and understanding believing there is good inside everyone, even the most sinful foes. Zephyr is usually seen chatting with older peers, but he does not mind hanging out with the young whippersnappers and teach them a thing or two. Often proclaimed as "The Hero of Fiore". Back when Zephyr was young, he was a wild child with typical teenager behavior at that age. He had no long term plans for his future and always lived for the moment chasing women in their panties and drinking a ton of alcohol. Those were the good old days as he always says, ...but he has come a long way and everything is constantly changing around him for the better. His main objective in life is to find out what his own destiny is, after all he believes that he is living his brother's life. [b]Arsenal[/b]: A flask of alcohol, magic council robes, and steel gauntlets. [b]Magic Type[/b]: Caster [b]Mage Rank[/b]: 3rd Seat Council Member [b]Magic[/b]: Vibration Magic- Zephyr is able to create vibrations through any medium, including the ground, the sea, or even the air. He can also use this magic to infuse seismic energy within himself to enhance his own physical combat. With this comes with enhanced hearing since he would be able to detect the vibrations in the air on par with a dragon slayer. [hider= Spells:] [b]Seismic Burst[/b]- Zephyr pushes his own body against the air to create a small burst that could be used offensively and defensively. [b]Echo Stomp/Clap[/b]- A weaker version of Earth Splitter. Zephyr focuses mainly to his feet or hands to generate mildly powerful shock waves that would usually knock back an opponent or object with little force. [b]Earth Splitter[/b]- A stronger version of Echo Stomp. Zephyr focuses power into either his hands or feet to create a powerful shock wave into the ground resulting in a devastating earthquake and possibly generate a giant tsunami if near water. Like the name says, it is capable of creating a rift in the earth that could go on for miles. [b]Inverted Shake[/b]- Zephyr grabs the air itself where a large scale area around him shifts around which causes most people to fall off their feet. He can use this spell to lead projectiles away from him by shifting the air at a small scale. [b]Phase[/b]- By vibrating his own molecules he is able to pass through solid matter which includes magic. This could also be done by vibrating the solid matter itself to have a group of people run right through the wall. This takes an excessive amount of concentration considering that he has to hold his own breath right after he chants the spell. [/hider] [b]Biography[/b]: [hider= Show]Zephyr is one of the few old veterans who knew Pollux back when he had a full head of hair. He would always visit the guild when he was young and take on small time jobs along with his little brother Eurus. Zephyr has a wife and two kids, one daughter and one son. He is the current 3rd seat on the Magic Council and a renowned hero of Fiore. Zephyr grew up in a rather wealthy family that did not hold a nobleman status. Their family owned a mining company known as the Buford Mining Company or BMC for short. The wealth made Zephyr have a snobby attitude while his younger brother thought everyone was equal regardless of wealth. Zephyr would always respond that some people are just born more equal than others. He deeply cared for his little brother Eurus despite that their ideals differ from each other. Eurus is a year younger than Zephyr yet he acted more mature than his older brother, he does have his 'little brother' moments whenever they get into a comical argument. The two brothers were often seen together on the train that transported all the minerals to their drop off point. They liked to visit various towns along the way, but their favorite destination was Magnolia Town. The first time they visited Magnolia was when Zephyr was twelve years old, the same time when he discovered that he could use magic. They were astonished by the Fairy Tail guild that they wanted to be a part of it together, of course though their parents would never let them partake in any guild so they joined it in secrecy. Eurus was always against any activity that would get them in trouble, but in the end Zephyr persuaded his little brother with a silver tongue. The brothers would always visit the guild once or twice a week until the day they were caught several months later. As punishment their Fairy Tail mark were removed and they were sent to Rune Knight academy to get them under control. was more of a fun-ishment to Eurus considering he wanted to become a Rune Knight in the first place. It was not long until Zephyr found a way to misbehave in Rune Knight Academy. A few weeks into their training, the brothers befriended a nobleman by the name of Caesar. Caesar had a personality similar to Zephyr's by abusing his status of nobleman to get what he wants. Eurus warned his older brother about the trouble they would get into again, but Zephyr was too stubborn to listen. Zeyphr thought Caesar would bring them into the promised land where they would become people of high importance. Four years later, BMC discovered the largest diamond in the world which required over a hundred men to fully dig it out of the ground. This was something Caesar could not pass up, he decided to try and pull off the biggest heist in the world. Caesar convinced Zephyr that with his Vibration Magic he would be able to extract the diamond no problem and all the money would belong to them. It took some thought, but in the end Zephyr agreed to help him. This was when Eurus put his foot down, he tolerated his behavior up to this point, but not anymore. Eurus tried to talk Zephyr out of it and threatened to tell their parents if he doesn't comply. The enraged Caesar used his paralyzing magic spell against Eurus to make sure he does not get in the way of their plan. Zephyr saw the look on his little brother's face as he hesitated on going with the impatient Caesar who had him by the balls with all of the stuff they have been through so far. Zephyr knew Caesar could get away with anything while he was left in the dust if he decides to betray him, with no other choice left he went on to carry out the heist. When they arrived at the mines and located where the diamond was, it was time to extract their future out of the ground. Zephyr started to have second thoughts for the first time thinking it was too much after seeing his brother get hurt. Caesar called Zephyr a weakling and a coward if he did not extract the diamond. He then proceeded to make threats about how he will end up in prison if he does not do what he says right now. Zephyr finally had enough realizing that Eurus was right about a lot of things now. He fought against Caesar deep down in the mines forgetting that their magic power could cause the entire mine to collapse on top of them. The fighting stopped when the ground started to shake and it was time to leave the diamond behind if they value their lives. Before they even made the decision to escape, they were blocked in and all hope was lost. The ceiling started to collapse and a hard chunk of dirt hit Zephyr over the head knocking him unconscious. All hope was lost until Eurus arrived at the scene after the effects of Caesar's magic wore off. Zephyr could not remember what happened after he woke up, all he saw was Pollux standing over him with a disappointed look on his face. He looked over at the destruction of the mines silently and realized his brother was nowhere to be seen. Pollux informed him that Eurus didn't make it out in time. In disbelief he tried to head over back to the mines to see for himself, but Pollux pulled him back and told him it was better if he didn't look. They mourned the loss of his brother the day after, the body was never recovered and Caesar's family was publicly denounced. At first Zephyr blamed Caesar for the cause of his death, but soon realized that he was the root of all the problems. Zephyr had to live with the guilt for the rest of his life, but wanted to make sure he lived on for the both of them. [/hider]