Unlike the original story (Tokyo Ghoul), this one will pass in London, which is divided similarly to how Tokyo is. Divided into several districts, namely the City of London, Greenwich, South Bank...
"Ghouls are without a doubt the greatest evil, created only to devour mankind. Their lives depend on the act of killing; if they do not eat, they suffocate and eventually die. This plague that has been terrorizing us is at a decline. Several years ago, a Japanese and a German scientist worked together to create a weapon to defeat humanity’s natural enemy: the quinque. This is a weapon forged from a ghoul’s predatory organ, the kagune. Even today, the CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul) and its investigators wage their war on the ghouls of their city."
This would be a player driven RP, meaning there would be a plot but the story would revolve around the characters more than the plot itself (to some extent, of course). Quinx, chimeras, one-eyes will be available later on in the story as well when the plot allows it.
"Ghouls are without a doubt the greatest evil, created only to devour mankind. Their lives depend on the act of killing; if they do not eat, they suffocate and eventually die. This plague that has been terrorizing us is at a decline. Several years ago, a Japanese and a German scientist worked together to create a weapon to defeat humanity’s natural enemy: the quinque. This is a weapon forged from a ghoul’s predatory organ, the kagune. Even today, the CCG (Commission of Counter Ghoul) and its investigators wage their war on the ghouls of their city."
This would be a player driven RP, meaning there would be a plot but the story would revolve around the characters more than the plot itself (to some extent, of course). Quinx, chimeras, one-eyes will be available later on in the story as well when the plot allows it.