[b]There were those that looked to the sky, to the stars, with wonder. Then there were those who looked to the Earth to remember. They would not soon forget, but the long journey would push it into the farthest part of their minds. They would dream of it though, dream of home. A home that would not be the same upon their return.[/b] In the year 2022, a terrible plague had begun to work itself into the human population. It did not start with the third world countries, nor did it start with animals or villages. No, this plague started in the great metropolis's of mankind. The once grand skyscrapers and metros became no more than stark reminders of what once was, and what had become. Bustling sidewalks, noisy streets, and crowded buildings gave way to roaming wildlife and flora. The plague did not wipe out mankind in one single swoop, nor was it hidden from the masses. This plague was well known and documented, two years before it began to wreak havoc on the planet. Still, the plague managed to spread, and with every new victim, it's power grew. But we back track. It was the CDC that first discovered the plague. Mankind thought itself to be fortunate that a Center for Disease Control would discover a new plague before it could spread into the populace. Vaccinations were developed, medications, and naturalistic remedies. All major news channels across the world covered every new development related to this plague, the eyes of the world were upon this disease. After months, it finally appeared to be completely under control. But that was not the case. The medications did nothing to stave off the plague, in fact, they had the same effect that sugar pills would have had. The plague worked in a mysterious way. The vaccination did not work against the plague, but instead, it worked for it. The vaccine was an incubator for the plague, it allowed it to grow and adapt within it's victims before spreading through the rest of the population. When the plague finally hit, it hit hard. Major cities around the world were the first to fall. Within days they were deserted wastelands. Within months it spread into the suburbs, and then into the countryside. By the year 2027, the prediction was total annihilation. That was, until a plan was devised. Of all the people and organizations to come up with a solution to the inevitable extinction of mankind, it was NASA who stepped forth. With much technological advancements behind them, NASA was able to come up with an unexpected solution. In order to save mankind, 20,000 people from across the planet would be launched into space, eventually to be frozen, cryogenics. The only problem that NASA could not figure out was the problem of volunteers. In 2029, the plan was put into motion, the volunteers found. And in 2030, the ships were launched. The plan was explained to the population in a very simple way. Each vessel would be like a lego piece, carrying only 100 persons. Once in space, they would attach (much like legos do) to form a bigger vessel that would house all 20,000 of them. Then it would go dark. The vessel would idle for 50 years, and then return to the surface. The short time span would give them a chance to return home in time to meet any family in the event that the plague could be stopped. It was a very sound plan, almost flawless. Almost. At some point during the 50 year span, early in it, the plague suddenly died out. The human race was on the cliff's edge, and then suddenly the threat disappeared. That was not before the majority of the race could be exterminated. And that was the last of the data transmitted to the vessel. Shortly before the vessel was to return planet-side, a meteorite shower hit. It had devastating results. All of the smaller vessels, save for one, were destroyed. People, frozen in time, were launched into the dark abyss of space. That was not the only damage however. The cryogenic machine was altered in the shower, changing the time setting from 50 years to 200 years. And so it was, the long journey had begun. Men and women from the 21st century, to be launched into the 23rd. The world they left, would have been a lovely place compared to what they would return to. [b]Now We Jump Forward[/b] The year is 2230. Just above the planet Earth, a lone vessel floats, waiting to be awakened. Once it housed 100 frozen, yet living, human beings. That number has since dropped. Malfunctions killed a majority of the remaining 100 inhabitants of the vessel, leaving only 10 (including myself). Soon the ship will return to life and chart a course for Earth, and when it lands, what remains of the passengers will be awakened. The men and women that survived, were forced into the long journey. They were lured to the ship with lies of testing, and they were frozen against their wills. The promise of returning in 50 years to their loved ones would never be fulfilled. However, they will return. The planet they left behind was filled with disease and on the brink of total destruction. They will wish that they could return to that. The sprawling cities, downtown metros, of mankind, have given way to wastelands that are filled to the brim with mutated abominations. The plague returned eventually, but not to kill, to mutate. Those infected did not become zombies, they became something far worse. The plague twisted their minds and physiques, forming cannibalistic monstrosities. What remains of the human population dares not enter the cities, but rather lives in settlements in the countryside and on boats. Atmospheric changes have created unpredictable weather. In the 200 years since their departure, the remnants of mankind were not able to rejuvenate. There are humans on the planet, but the number is not nearly as close as it used to be. The passengers are going home, but not the home that they left. [b]Things to know[/b] The exact number of remaining humans on Earth is unknown. There are enough of them to have settlements spread out across the wasteland, but the settlements rarely have a number of citizens higher than 500-1000. Every downtown area is home to the mutants. They are not zombies. They do not infect others and spread their disease. They simple hunt, kill, and eat. The mutants are, for the most part, instinct driven in their actions. But, they are able to reason as well. The mutants are known to set traps, track their pray, and hunt in packs. It is theorized that they can also communicate in whatever language they once spoke, but that is not a proven theory. There are still four seasons, but they are much more harsh. The northern parts of the world deal with a much more frigid winter. Tropical storms hit in a higher frequency around the equator. Sandstorms are frequent as well in certain areas. There are ruins of the old world all over the place. Many small towns and suburbs lie dormant and unoccupied. Cars still run, as long as they are maintained. Many groups went out of their way to find and store large amounts of gasoline, as well as finding a way to produce it. [b]Character Sheet[/b] [b]Name:[/b] (First, Last, and any nicknames) [b]Age:[/b] (Two numbers. The age at the time of being frozen and the technical age that they are now. The first age is how they will look. If they were 24 when they were frozen, they will still have the physique of a 24 year old and the physical capabilities) [b]Ethnicity/Birth Place:[/b] (This can be Chinese born in South Africa for all I care. Just make sure that it is explained in the Biography) [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] (A description is preferred but pictures are alright. If you use a picture than put it in a spoiler or hider so it does not take up too much space on the list) [b]Personality:[/b] (This is completely [i][u]optional.[/u][/i]) [b]Biography:[/b] ( At least two paragraphs) [b]Old World Profession:[/b] (Job that the character held before being frozen, and any relevant skills) [b]Other:[/b] (Extra information you would like me to know} [b]Sample Post:[/b] (This will help me gauge what kind of posts I can expect. I would like a specific topic to be posted here. Your character's last moments before being frozen. The lead up so to speak. At least two paragraphs) [b]Character List[/b] Something is not working right with quotes and I cannot get all the information in. The same is going for copy and paste. So for now, I am going to just post the person's name with a number next to it which is the page that their character sheet is on. [u]Whirlwind[/u]: 1 [u]MattParker[/u]: 1 [u]Enalais[/u]: 1 [u]McHaggis[/u]: 1 [u]Jel[/u]: 1 [u]Darcs[/u]: 1 [u]Vertical[/u]: 2