((For Galgarion)) "Yes, please, relax, Corporal," said Lieutenant Selzarer. "Congratulations on the promotion, by the way. Anyways, seeing as you have the rank, and now a team, now comes the first responsibility. There's a convoy that is going to leave Corelda City heading for Fort Kerak, out near the mountains to the west; it has a shipment of unmanned ground sensors that the Fort commander out there wants to emplace in the mountains to try to track anyone moving through the area. It's a fairly basic mission, and you shouldn't run into any problems, but the Coreldan military asked for some support from Blackstar, and," the Lieutenant smiled as he held his hands out and spread them out, "we are always ready to oblige." Selzarer handed a datapad across the desk to Furcht and said, "If you have no questions, Corporal, you're dismissed. Go get your team ready."