Smiling slightly at the half-beast's suggestions, Wynnara tilted her head to the side in a momentary bout of considerate thought, before saying with a shrug, [b]“Well, Moko, I'm pretty sure my master is rich enough that anything that's good wouldn't really matter, so we can just go and say that it's the thought that counts!”[/b] She swept her hand horizontally in the direction of the many small stalls in the portside marketplace, randomly selecting one from many shops, before her finger pointed towards a rather tacky looking food stall. In reaction to that sudden 'accusatory' finger motion, the wizened old grandma running the fried soup stand narrowed her one good eye towards what seemed like two possible customers, before shuffling out the stove and stoking the flames. With what almost sounded like some ancient language (though it was probably just mumbled ramblings), the old lady started to drop oddly colored spices into the soup and flames, changing the colors of each until it didn't look normal at all. And from that black-iron pot, the oddest scent began to waft out, something that smelled like it should be disgusting, mind-numbing, soul-reaping taste. [b]“That looks like a unique enough tribute for my master, doesn't it, Moko?”[/b] ~ Under the cloudy backdrop, the hooded figure, peering down below into the abyssal jail cell, watched as shadows moved from below, snatching up and eating the warm food that was dropped. By the dampness of the earth, he could feel that it had rained last night, once again. A good call then, for him to arrive now. Contrasting against the shadow of his hood, his yellow eyes searched into the darkness and found the blue eyes of the prisoner. A tentative, hesitant 'hello' sounded through the stone shaft, echoing as it reached the man. So he was still sane, still capable of speech. Good. Looking over his shoulders to ensure that no one else was nearby, the man said, his voice just loud enough so that Vance could hear, [b]“Help will come soon. Stay sane until then, God Slayer.”[/b] And like that, the man disappeared into the cloudy backdrop, becoming translucent, transparent, and then gone. A playing card drifted downwards in his absence. The Ace of Hearts. ~ Gael was actually rather hard to tell whether the man was amused or not by the actions of his latest students. It seemed as if the boys had forgotten that, despite the fact that the school grounds WERE rather large, it was still in the merchant district of Cykes, still filled with a large collection of merchants trying to sell their wares as a brawl between Lady Seyour's Sword Arts brat and Araki continued on. And while the ending of the match was admirable, it was still rather... Placing a heavy hand on Araki's bare shoulder and exerting just enough pressure that the Crystalla should tell that the teacher wasn't all together pleased by this, the bearded man said with a fake smile, [b]“Morning Araki, glad to see that you've taken the intiative in making sure that you do your morning exercises regularly. Now, I'm sure you'd already know this, but it may not be quite the smartest idea to have a brawl, especially when your spectators are all kids. Accidents do happen after all, and you're also obstructing the main street if you do something like that.” “But hey, it's your first time doing something stupid, unlike Gil there, so I'll let you off with just submitting a one-page apology letter to me by the end of the day. Make sure it's legible though. Your handwriting is sorta terrible for someone your age.”[/b] And with that said, Gael herded up the rest of the kids and drew them into the school once more, to restart classes after a lecture about 'not being an idiot and causing trouble for workers just because you want to see a fight'. ~ He had not expected to be sensed so soon, but then again, Aiv wasn't particularly surprised when a fork lodged itself through the spellwoven cloak that supposedly gave him invisibility to the eyes of humans. It wasn't like the person he was meeting with was human the first place. Removing his cloak out of respect for the 'monster' that was in his prescence, the white-haired man made a clear motion to bring out his weapon to his side, placing it onto the homemade wooden table. Turning around in the homely portside cottage, surprisingly close to the hustle and bustle of the lively, if backwater island town of Frelia, Aiv bowed once towards the woman with light blue hair and a simply tropical dress, who held a bag of groceries in one hand and a skewer of meat in the other. [b]“Greetings, Mirelle Keep. I have come personally to deliver a message from Witchmother East to you.”[/b]