I hope this is ok! I was rushing just a bit since I'm about to head to bed. [b]Name:[/b] Raina Jean Long [b]Age:[/b] 25 when frozen ; 226 years alive now [b]Ethnicity/Birth Place:[/b] Caucasian/Iowa, USA [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hider=Appearance][img=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CeFV6U3W4J4/TgeFicoP_jI/AAAAAAAAJcA/6w-cuE9pzR4/s1600/natalie_wood048923.jpg] She stands 5’6” tall, with a slim build. She was never an athletic type, though she did play some sports in school. She was just never that great at them. She was much better at school work and enjoyed reading and writing more than physical things. Possibly because she hated being sweaty. She has shoulder length brown hair that can appear to have a reddish tint when the sun hits it, with thick dark brows and heavy lashes. She has dark green eyes, and quite a few freckles dotting her face. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] A good liar, known for being a skeptic, it was a bit of a ripple among the writing community when such a young and out there personality became a representative for the nation. She was known for believing most supernatural stories and conspiracy theories. Perhaps even considered a modern day hippie. In person though, she is smooth and charming, using little nuances in her expressions and lilts in her voice to convince someone of anything just about. Because of her voice in person and on paper, that’s what makes her more likable than her actual self, which is usually pretty selfish and conniving. [b]Biography:[/b] Raina was born in Farmington, Iowa. Her mother was a stay at home mom who often made and sold crafts or baked goods to the locals for extra income. Her father travelled around selling a certain brand of compound bow, a representative that went to hunting and fishing stores to introduce and sell product, getting them to carry the brand on their shelves. So he was hardly home. They lived in a small, 1920s style home, wood floors, large basement, and brick outside. From a young age Raina had night terrors, where she would scream and scream until she woke and then wouldn’t remember a thing. She also started seeing ghosts at the tender age of 3, watching them wander about her home. About the age of 7, she saw auras, or at least understood what they were. By someone’s aura, she could tell if they were a good person, if they were going to die soon, if they were angry or hurt. Her mother believed in her but was a bit frightened by it all, and encouraged her to keep such things to herself. And it was a good thing her father wasn’t around much, as he thought such things were demonic (a very religious man). Once in school (Raina was homeschooled until the age of 9), she was noticed as a very bright child, who could often be found against the building at recess with a notebook, writing short stories or poetry. Her teachers were worried about her social interaction, but it seemed Raina picked up the specialties of manipulation in conversation from a young age. She made friends easily, but didn’t keep them very well at all. She would eventually use them in some form or fashion, and they would abandon her. She never seemed to care too much. She almost had too much self-confidence for a girl her age. In high school, Raina became very much infatuated with conspiracy theories, ghost hunting, vegan living, GMOs, anti-vaccination, all sorts of things. She began to believe if society returned to communing with nature, all of their problems would unravel, as all their problems were caused by corruption of the natural state. She believed many such things, whether or not she had evidence for them. It made her stand out when everyone was trying to fit in. And when teens are most likely to be influenced by their peers instead of parents, she could be very convincing. She was quite popular by senior year, having a large group of friends. She’d learned how to keep friends over the years despite her more self-centered personality, and it came in handy. Many of the friends she made became connections in her future career of writing. Raina attended a state university and graduated with honors after 4 years, publishing 2 poetry books, a collection of short stories, and having a novel in the works by the time she was 25. Considered one of the bright, young, leading minds of her time, she was one of the ones placed aboard the ships to be frozen. Because of her more holistic living, she’d avoided vaccination, and much communication with society in order to be infected in the first place. She left behind her mother and father, (no brothers or sisters, current lovers or children). [b]Old World Profession:[/b] Writer, poet laureate for the USA. Skilled in painting, drawing, writing fiction short stories, novels, speeches, and poetry. Named poet laureate not too long before being frozen. Knows many facts people might consider irrelevant or random when doing research for her various writings. Speaks English and French. Rather good at acting though she never pursued the profession. [b]Other:[/b] Can shoot a bow and fish thanks to her father, though will be out of practice upon waking. [b]Sample Post:[/b] [i]If I was a religious person I suppose I’d pray[/i] Raina thought to herself. Though she smiled her straight white smile and nodded as she was instructed along with the 99 others on what was happening and what would happen, her heart raced in her chest. She swallowed hard and the smile faded a bit, a clinking sound of her fingernails brushing the wall next to her bringing her out of focus. Her surprised eyes flashed to the manicured nails, hanging from fingers which were ever so slightly trembling. Raina’s smiled faded completely with a licking of her lips, one hand grasping the other and folding them stiffly in front of her. She looked at those around her, and luckily no one was watching her. She was normally a person to give a vote of confidence to others. One who everyone else looked to for that reassuring smile and cavalier brush of the hand that said everything would be fine and it was silly to worry. But this was not a moment for that. Little puffs of air left her lips while she awaited the ‘freezing’ to begin. She didn’t trust this process… not one little bit, honestly. She half expected that it would kill them all. It was such a reckless plan anyway. Let’s freeze human beings and shoot them into space. That will work. She chewed her bottom lip to avoid rolling her eyes. If it hadn’t been the only alternative given to staying and suffering on Earth, she might have considered otherwise. Her theory was that by the time the 50 years was up, humanity would finally be killed off by nature, the Earth Mother taking back what belonged to her and rejuvenating the surface. Then those who were the survivors would return to a lush, green Earth awaiting them to start over the right way. The thought gave Raina enough reassurance to not panic as her breaths became more and more visible, the cold beginning to chill. She shivered violently once, her mind starting to panic as if she were dying and it was fighting it, before everything went dark. No thoughts crossed her mind. No glisten twinkled in her eye. Hibernation had begun.