Rareth fired her pistol downrange alone with the others, but her strength was not at long range. If she wanted to have any sort of effectiveness in this fight, she would need to move up. On the left flank, Shuo and Shiva had successfully managed to suppress the enemy, so Rareth gave the signal to advance, taking the lead. She fired most of the magazine of her pistol as she ran, melting a notable portion of their enemy's cover in the process. After only a few seconds in the open, she managed to make it to the next container. As the others were getting into cover, however, she noticed movement on the right. It was the group that the enemy officers had sent to flank them, and all of them had their weapons leveled on her. Her barriers were hit twice before she teleported, the second shot being from a Rothian fusion weapon, which was enough to down them completely. Her shields were formed from her magic, instead of a shield generator. Hers in particular were weaker than most standard shields, but, depending on how fatigued she was, charged much more quickly. Unfortunately, for the rebels, Rareth did not retreat with her teleport. Instead, she ended up directly behind them. Her blade sliced clean through the one in the back before he could turn around. The second started to turn, but Rareth was able to use the momentum from her previous swing to lead into the second. The Masulu woman made an effort to protect her head with her rifle, but Rareth's blade burned clean through both. The final member of the group, the Rothian, nearly had his weapon aimed at her, so Rareth quickly hit him with a burst of telekinetic energy that stumbled him back a few paces...straight in to the rest of her team's line of fire.