The empty forest was completely void of any sound whatsoever, except for that of the crunch of leaves under light footsteps. Their pace was quick, and a small figure dashed between the trees whose branches sat eerily still despite the cold wind that whipped against the young girts bare skin. Several times her dress had been caught on those branches, and she had many cuts along her dirt ridden body. She had to ignore the pain, or else it would catch up to her. While she was running, a strange sense of helplessness came over her; like she knew what was to happen next. Of coarse she did, since she had seen this all before. This nightmare that eternally haunted her every slumber. She stood up, shaking, and turned around to face the inevitable. She screamed upon seeing the face of her pursuer, a scream which woke her abruptly from her slumber and back into the infirmary of the Fairy Tail guild. "Yukiko! It's alright, Yukiko! It was just a bad dream!" Alicia Vermillion sat by the girl's side as she woke screaming, wiping her forehead with a damp clothe and trying to calm her down. The infirmary was empty for now, and some of the beds looked like they had never even been slept in. The morning light shone in through the window, and it's warmth was calming to Yukiko. Alicia was holding her in her arms, whispering into her ear. "Everything's fine. You're safe here." The words comforted her, but in the back of her mind she knew they couldn't be true. There was something after her; how could she feel safe knowing that? The door opened to reveal an elderly man with long, white whiskers and a golden Fairy Tail mark right in the middle of his forehead. "Thank you for looking after our young friend, Alicia," Pollux Vermillion walked with a limp, using his cane to support his uneasy steps. "I'll take her from her, you may return to your work." He gave his grandaughter a kiss on the forehead before sending her on her way. Alicia flashed her a friendly smile before disappearing back into the guild hall. Pollux helped Yukiko out of bed. She was still wearing her sundress; the only piece of clothing she owned. At least Alicia was nice enough to wash it. "I think it's time you joined our guild, officially." Pollux suggested, leading them out into the bustling guild hall. It was only morning yet there were people drinking, laughing and brawling all over the place. It was chaos and Yukiko didn't like the noise at all. Would she really be comfortable in a place like this? Then her nightmare came back to mind, and she decided a guild filled with powerful mages was the safest place for her. Yukiko sat on a tall stool at the bar, her wings tucked gently behind her. They ached to be spread and she suddenly realised that she couldn't remember the last time she'd been out flying. Master Pollux brought over a stamp to her and asked her to raise her leg. She lifted her left leg up and Pollux pushed the magic stamp onto her. When he removed it, a white Fairy Tail insignia shone along her skin. The idea of joining the guild was unsettling to her, but seeing this mark made all of that go away. It was as if this mark was telling her she belonged. Meanwhile Zy was sitting at a table with some of his friends, laughing about a joke Zy had told. Zy took sips of his fruit juice while the rest of them finished downing their second glass of ale. He never really took to alcohol, much preferring his sweet drinks. He was often teased that the guild couldn't handle him with anymore energy. When one of them finished their drink, they begun talking to the group. "Hey you guys hear about that town, Haven?" his speech was slurred, but he gained everyones attention. "They had another sighting of that creature again." This was meant with a bunch of groans, including one from Zy. "Oh come on, man. What, do you still believe in the tooth fairy as well?" Zy teased, which was met with another round of laughter. "I'm not kidding, man! Something seriously scary is going on down there. Alicia put up a request to go investigate it but Master Pollux took it down for some reason." "That's because Master Pollux isn't an idiot, he knows there's no point wasting valuable wizards on a wild goose chase. Haven's hit some hard times lately so they're probably just using this whole monster business as a means to attract tourists. And it's working, every sucker and their mother is heading over there to catch a glimpse of the mysterious creature that's apparently haunting the town. It's all a big scam." Zy was listening intently, but he also caught a glimpse of Master Pollux walking out of the infirmary with a young girl. She must have been a new member. He decided that he'd say hello later; for now he was too busy listening into the argument between his friends. [CENTER]---------------------[/CENTER] The town of Haven was silent, a crowd of Guards hanging around a certain street and not letting anyone pass. An elderly woman in a long, black dress walked at a brisk pace. She gave the guards a quick stare, watching them scatter before her like insects as she made her way to the scene. There were a few of the town wizards inspecting the body, but they quickly stood up and made way as soon as they saw the woman approaching them. "What's the report?" She asked harshly, staring them down and making the men uncomfortable. "Well hurry up! I don't have all day!" "Ah, yes! Sorry M'lady. Just like the other two victims. She's been strangled and all her bones are crushed. She also has traces of dark magic inside of her as well. Terrifying stuff, I'm afraid it's too dangerous for us to extract and inspect." The first wizard said. He relaxed when the woman's gaze left him and moved to the second wizard. "And you, who was she and are there any reasons why she was targeted?" "I don't believe she was targeted M'lady. She was staying at a local inn while passing through town. I think her name was Emily. As far as we're concerned she'd done nothing to upset anyone." "She was young, by the sounds of it. Full of life. Whatever did this is going to die by my hand." The woman was fuming, anger burning through her eyes. This was her town, and she would not let it be terrorized. "I'm going to Fairy Tail. My request has been ignored by that old geezer for far too long. When I return I'll be dragging his very best wizards back with me to solve these shenanigans once and for all." The woman turned and walked away, and on the back of her neck a faded out Fairy Tail insignia came into the light.