Name: Jessica Sinclair Age: 26 (2260 Ethnicity/Birth Place: White, New York, USA Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=appearance]] [img=] [/hider] Biography: Jessica grew up in a typical military family and was always moving from place to place prior to her father leaving the Marine Corps when she was ten. After which her family settled in California where she attended highschool and lived a very typical life until enlisting in the Marine Corp when she left. After completing basic training she was posted to Germany and for the next couple of years served there until the plague hit. It was when the plague hit that Jessica's life changed as she was in the thick of the fighting in Europe. Law and order broke down quickly and several members of Jessica's unit deserted and when the plague hit the base that was when Jessica and the rest of the uninfected soldiers were evacuated to assist with containing the plague at home. After weeks of combat and a promotion, Jessica earned attention when she saved a cabinet member from a terrorist attack. It was shortly after this she was offered a place on the testing program. Old World Profession: US Marine, Trained Soldier Sample Post: Jessica's face remained an expressionless mask as she and the other listened to the instructions before they were to be frozen. As one of the ships security officers they were her responsibility and looking around at the remnants of the human races best and brightest it made her both nervous and strangely excited. The devastation below on Earth saddened her greatly, but it could also give the chance to start again if things were managed right and if she was honest that potential excited her. Looking around she saw a mixture of emotions, some were clearly nervous, others were in tears and others showed no emotion at all. Taking a deep breath she opened her stasis pod and began to wonder what would await them after there nap. If she was honest with herself then they would likely have a lot of work to do. Before volunteering for what she believed to be testing she had been fighting the plague and seen the scale of it firsthand. When they landed she expected that society as she knew it would be gone and rebuilding anything close to it would likely take the rest of there lives. In addition there was the simple fact that they might be the only people left alive when they awake and the women on these ships would become even more important to humanity's survival. A million different things and scenarios were racing through Jessica's mind as the temperature began to drop in her cryo tube. Despite her attempts to remain calm she began to panic as her heart began to slow and her vision blurred. However like the rest of her fellow "volunteers" she soon drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep, ready to awaken in fifty years time.