Watching the man burst in with such flare, Haust would walk in behind him minding his business looking for the master. He had been well mannered for most of his life, his playful nature wouldn't come out until allowed to be let out. As he looked around at all the fellow mages, he would notice many strong and weak mages. All seemed happy and energetic though. This made Haust feel a bit at home even, he saw the mission board and grinned widely seeing a massive amount of missions to do. He would have to figure out which ones would have been in his best interest when he became a member. He went up to the one called 'Alicia Vermillion' without knowing who she was or anyone for that matter. With a small cough to get her attention, he would speak very punctiliously. " Do you know where I could find the Master of this Guild Miss? I have traveled from the east coast of Fiore to ask him to join this guild, and would very much enjoy his presence." Fildrek stood there awaiting a reply, standing straight and looking her directly in the eyes, with his sea green irises.