Name: Jared "Cowboy" Miller Age: 28, Real Age:229 Ethnicity/Birth Place: Caucasian/ Oregon, USA Gender: Male Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img=] [/hider] Personality: To Be Revealed Biography: Born to a drug addled mother and a father that got tired and left shortly after his birth, the only true person who cared for Jared was his older sister, Ameila who cared for him the best she could and for only being five years old years older she did a good job he lived long enough anyways. His first years of school went great, middle school was a crap fest, and he dropped out of high school at fourteen to pursue a life of crime. It started with stealing and hot wiring cars and selling them to fences he made some good money off of it made enough to buy his sister an apartment. But it was dangerous and he was bound to get caught so he traded in stealing cars for running drugs. Hustling drugs was much easier, easier to hide and easier to not get caught, occasionally he had to take on rival dealer but nothing a little intimidation or bribery couldn't fix. He quit drug hustling after a drive-by at the apartment left his sister bleeding out in the kitchen. He felt responsible and never lived it down, he was the reason his sister was dead and he fell into a state of depression. Seeing as a fifteen year old couldn't own an apartment, he had to move back in with her mother who found a husband in her dealer. Life was miserable but he thought he deserved it, like karma was coming back to bite him in the ass. Two years later, an old friend in the biz called him up. Offered him a spot on his crew of robbers as a bag man. Needing cash and wanting to get away from his broken down mobile home he took him up. He joined up with his friends merry crew. Their fearless leader was "Kodiak.", besides him was Jared's friend "Bulldog", Bulldogs girl "Bride", their wheel man "Rooster", and some hacker who they never met but they payed named "Bug". Together they went all across the lower 48 states hitting banks, jewelry stores, and convince stores. They became world famous even made it onto the FBI's most wanted. Up there with some terrorists and mass murderers. After their first bank heist Jared became "Cowboy", due to the fact he wore a George W Bush mask, and carried a revolver as a side arm for his heists. When the heat was off they'd spend the money or swap it into offshore bank accounts, for Jared it went offshore into his "Retirement account" The way he was making money he could retire by 28. They hired on another crew member somewhere in Virgina nicknamed her "Harpy" for some reason Jared took an instant liking to her. He couldn't explain why but it was almost like she was a flame and he was a moth. They cased banks together, pretended to be a couple opening bank accounts different names and Id's each time. Eventually make believe became a reality and they fell in love. Which was a mistake, you don't get close to your fellow thieves. The groups next job with Harpy went sour, the feds showed too early and they had to hoof it without the loot. It was at that point that Bug told them they had a rat, back at the safe house the group discussed who the rat was, things were tense there was finger pointing, then gun pointing. Eventually they narrowed it down to Harpy, who confessed to everything. Jared had never felt so used in his entire life, he felt like every moment they shared everything was a lie. Kodiak told him to kill her, so he pulled his revolver and she told him what he was thinking everything wasn't a lie she really felt for him, but to him it just sounded like a bunch of shit so she could save her own hide so he pulled the trigger. After that Kodiak rallied the crew one last time and spoke of one final heist that if done right everyone walks away with a 50 million dollar cut so Jared listened. The job was a federal reserve bank, armed guards with with full autos, well trained to. But after casing the joint and making a back exit out through a few months of tunneling. They pulled it off all of them walking away with so much cash their getaway was weighed down because of it. It was there where they changed their clothes and burnt the evidence where everyone betrayed one another Kodiak shot Bride, Bulldog shot Rooster and Jared shot Kodiak. That left just Bulldog, and Jared standing, but they didn't shoot each other Jared didn't pull the trigger because he just lost his girl, and Bulldog for the same reason. They gave Bug his cut and when the heat on the money was down they took over a pharmaceuticals company. They partnered together with the company and shortly after Jared's 28th birthday the plague hit. They kicked the company into overtime and whatever the FDA and the CDC said the plague was offshoot from they made a vaccine for. When one said Ebola they made a vaccine for Ebola, when they said a mutated case of Rabies they made a vaccine for rabies. It wasn't their fault that the vaccines just made it worse, they did as the government said and found vaccines for these things. Eventually things went south many people in the company became infected. That's when the offer came an offer that Travis didn't want to turn down an offer to get away and escape, offered by NASA. He didn't turn them down he went happily. Old World Profession: Criminal, and a owner of Pharmaceuticals Corporation. Skills:Proficient with many forms of firearms and improvised devices, lockpicking, hot wiring cars, Staying up late Other: He calls every girl he meets and sees "Sweetheart" Sample Post: They offered him away out and he took it, he needed it. He had done so much in these 28 years, he came, he saw, and he conquered and somehow he came out on top. There was no doubt in his mind as they lead him to where he would be frozen, and there was no doubt that whatever the next chapter in his life called for he would be ready to rebuild and reconquer once again. "Wish i had a cigarette." He muttered, he could use one and a stiff drink as well something to calm these butterflies in his stomach because when he woke up nothing would be the same. The air began to get more frigid as they eased him into the freezing process. "I'm not going to get freezer burn, am i?" He asked but if anybody heard him they didn't answer, which just made him frown and think about what would happen if he didn't make it. He closed his eyes and waited for that moment where they would freeze him entirely. But something creeped into his head like a disease, like that plague that was ravaging the world outside. These thoughts were of home, about his only friend Bulldog and about what he was leaving behind, he shook them off [i]"I don't care anymore, let the world fucking burn." [/i] He thought and this thought was his last thought before they froze him and his mind became a blank.