Marcus turned to the new occupant as she sat down, giving her a glance over. [i]She doesn't look to good.[/i] He thought to himself, noticing how pale she seemed. [i]Oh....nice. At least I don't have to clean that up.[/i] He busied himself in the controls for a moment, checking the local airspace and setting the craft on a plotted path back to home. He then leaned back and propped his feet up on the dash, turning his attention back to this new face. "You sure?" He frowned, then dug through a cubby under the console, returning with an offering of bottled water. "Getting into one of Tess' messes is pretty traumatic." He joked with a smirk, then turned to a frown of deep thought. "So whats your story kid? We don't pick up many strays, Tess is allergic you see." [i]Ironic, considering she was one.[/i] He added to himself. He could vaguely hear Tess' almost yelling voice as she talked to Ames, by the tone of voice he was hearing, it didn't seem to be going well.