[b]Name[/b]: Sarah Michaels [b]Age[/b]: [u]Age when frozen[/u]: 28 [u]Age at present[/u]: 228 [b]Ethnicity/Birth Place[/b]: Born in London, England. [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Sarah M. Appearance][img=http://cdni.llbean.com/is/image/wim/261600_0_45?wid=428&hei=494][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Sarah is one who is a normally bubbly and happy person, but when circumstances get tough she can lose her cool or temper. She has a particularly strong will and can trust people quite easily. Losing her cool only happens very infrequently, but is incredibly noticeable. If things start to go very awry, she is prone to major anger, often in the form of yelling or violence. Luckily, this rarely has ever happened. [b]Biography[/b]: Sarah came from an abusive household. Her family was far apart, and none of them liked each other. Her father would scream at her mother, her mother would scream at her, and she would scream at school. This happened until middle school, when she would lock herself in her room or just go out with her friends. These circumstances caused her to want to get out of the house as soon as she could. At the age of 18, Sarah left England for Harvard. She had been an incredibly prospective student in history and science classes, and got in on a scholarship that paid for most of it. She majored in archaeology, and minored in history, as both those piqued her interest the most. She mostly retained plenty of As, but she had struggles in subjects like math. Her school life mostly consisted of studying, but she had friends to spend time with as well. When the plague hit, Sarah was in Kenya, spending most of her time on an archaeological dig. Since it was a fairly isolated site, she did not hear of the plague until it was working its way into the countryside. Her team packed up their things, but before they could leave the dig site, they were hit with it. Most of them died. The rest barely managed to make it out. When they started asking for volunteers, she knew she couldn’t stay behind. There was nothing left for her on Earth. [b]Old World Profession[/b]: An archaeologist, she knows how to find things and solve what other people might not be able to. She’s also good at enduring harsh conditions. [b]Other[/b]: Given her job can be known to be slightly dangerous, she has been taught to shoot a gun, but only the basics of shooting. [b]Sample Post[/b]: Well, she had certainly thought it would be different… Sarah looked at the contraptions they would all be spending years in. She had pictured something that looked more like a bed than what she was standing in front of. Given, it’s not like I looked [i]totally[/i] uncomfortable, but the way it was built… This could [i]not[/i] be good for her back. She listened to the instructions given out by those who were going to send all of the volunteers out. Her mind wandered, though, which was to be expected in scary situations like this. They were going to be put into these freezing machines for 50 years. It was kind of a tight fit. That was probably mainly due to Sarah being used to wide open spaces and not tiny chambers. It was cold, that was for sure, and Sarah figured that had nothing to do with her being in Africa since college. The glass closed over her body. She squeezed her eyes shut as the freezing process began. [i]When you wake up it’ll seem like no time has passed[/i], were her final thoughts before it went dark.