Ben was just glad he made it through the door before Vero, he hated a grand entrance, especially when its all sizzle, no steak. Sanguin and Raghu had just finished kicking the crap out of each other, now that was always something he could show more of an appreciation for. A hard fought battle to settle any dispute was the norm in Fairy Tail. If they didn't understand your point verbally, maybe you could just beat the understanding into them. Ben chuckled to himself as he stood near the door. Watching intently as the newbie he ran into out front approached Alicia at the bar, roughly the same time Mary arrived back from her latest job. The general word on her was that she was just as beautiful as her plants, and twice as deadly. Although Ben never saw her in action he knew to respect his S-Class wizards. A commotion broke out over near the table where Vero was putting on his little song and dance routine, Ben was attempting to ignore this when suddenly a loud roar erupted from the ground next to the bar. Out from a small rubble pile "jumped" a young dark-skin girl in green armor, to Ben's memory he didn't recognize her, maybe her just forgot her name. Chloe? Was that it? At this point he didn't care he knew what he had came back to do. Before he could make his way through the sweaty drunken mess of guild members the strange gold glitter that had exploded out of the sky... Vero, again. Had now morphed into a swarm of bees around one particular lady causing her much discomfort, all this going on around Ben had his head spinning. It was then he heard Master Pollux calling out for Yukiko... that was when he saw [b][i]her.[/i][/b] Upon noticing the tiny, sprite-like figure of the little girl known as Yukiko floating, no actually [b][i]flying[/b][/i] up by the rafters Ben was awestruck. So much so that he walked, mouth agape through the guild and was so transfixed by her flight that he didn't have time to see Zy run him right over. The two collided in a thud of muscle and bone as the two crumbled to a heap on the floor. Funny that they should run into each other, Ben was just about to show his support for the "bee illusion" when Yukikos aerial abilities were put on display. How Ben envied her and her flight, with his weak understanding of Wind magic he himself could barely levitate, let alone [b][i]fly.[/i][/b] As the two boys lay in a pile on the floor a groan escaped Zy as he rolled over and apologized to Ben. "Don't worry Zy, oddly enough you seem to be the kinda guy who might be willing to help me out." Ben sprung to his feet with a slight quickness in his step and immediately lent a hand to Zy, returning him to his feet. "I don't often believe in coincidences, I feel we ran into each other for a reason." His look turned to a more serious tone as his brow straightened and his voice took on a stern melody. "I know you don't believe about this mess in Haven, but I've read the flyer, and I don't know about you but something doesn't [i]feel[/i] right." Zys look on his face said it all "not you too" and Ben could read the apprehension in his eyes."Just hear me out," Ben said. "I just know Gramps wouldn't take down a job request without a god reason I just feel we deserve to know what that reason is. Some of these kids know people in Haven, we cant just let something happen if it [i]is[/i] actually a problem we can solve." Now Ben was getting heated, he could still see the disbelief in Zys stare."Listen man, if you dnt think you're strong enough that's fine! But I know I can handle this and I'm gonna find out what Master is hiding, do you think you can keep up?" Ben has his usual childish smile plastered on his face as his competitive streak was getting the best of him. He now stood awaiting Zys reply, "Maybe," he thought "Zy knows another wizard around here who could help, I doubt Gramps could say no to [b]3[/b] of us going to Haven.