Well Dragonbud, once you've finished I think we can start. --------- [b]Name:[/b] Devin Burke, mostly called Burke [b]Age:[/b] 20, when frozen 221, now [b]Ethnicity/Birth Place:[/b] Caucasian, American. Born in the United States [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Some people are imposing and intimidating, others are quirky, small, and weird. Some stand out, but Burke, for the most part, falls into the blending in category. He is a Caucasian male that stands at 6 foot 1 inch and weighs 176 pounds. He is not excitingly muscular nor is he overweight. Burke's build is an average one, with some slight toned features. Thin black hairs dot his arms and legs, and little bit of his chest. That is not the case with his hair. Burke's hair is thick, not long, but very thick. He did a very nice job of keeping it well above the base of his neck and the lining very clean. It does fall onto his forehead if he is running or doing some sort of physical activity, but he usually either pushes it out of the way or wears a black winter cap. Burke has blue eyes, they are not romantically deep, nor are they piercing. His eyes are normal. A very well managed beard covers his jawline and above his nose. As far as clothing goes, Burke does not try to do anything extraordinary. For the most part, he wears jeans and any variety of T-shirt/hoodie/coat combination. Burke is not a very fashionable person, but he does not really care. On a few occasions he has dressed up nicely in a suit, but that is not very often. [b]Personality:[/b] Optional. [b]Biography:[/b] Burke was born and raised just outside of the Twin Cities in Minnesota. From a very young age he knew that he did not much care for the cold winters. His family originated from Florida and Louisiana, so he would spend each summer in one of those two states, usually alternating every other. It was apparent that Burke had a way with animals, and people. Most dogs and cats liked him off the bat, and he was generally able to make friends quickly and keep them. Burke was a friendly person in his early years, trusting, and just a happy kid. Then, just before his tenth birthday, his mother and father got a divorce. They split, and Burke had accidentally found out it was because his mom had cheated on his father. Unfortunately, Burke and his father had a strong bond but Burke's mother won sole custody. Burke would not see his father for 8 years. After the split, budding trust issues began to sprout up. Not only that, but Burke was easily lied to and persuaded. It is a funny mix, but it was him. He did not have trouble trusting people off of the bat, he had trouble trusting them in the long run and maintaining longstanding relationships. Burke was used a lot growing up and also bullied, it was not a great emotional childhood for him. His mother, though she tried to be apart of his life, was busy dealing with her own issues. Burke's mother tried to marry the man she cheated on his father with, but things fell through. For awhile, she dated men on and off. None of the men abused Burke or his mother, it just led to Burke not trusting that romantic relationships could last long. There were only two friends that Burke kept throughout his entire life, and that was because they understood him and, somehow, he completely trusted them. High School offered something new to Burke, a way to cope with his growing depression and other mental health issues. As a freshman, he tried out for his school's football team. Burke was not an all-star, but he had a good work ethic and a determination that led to him being moved to Junior Varsity, halfway through his sophomore year. One problem that football could not cure was his problem with relationships, especially with women. He was awkward and did not know how to interact in a flirtatious way. That being said, he had a large group of "friends" that he was usually around and they were mixed gender-wise. In his senior year Burke met a girl. They had known of each other for the entirety of High School, but never really talked. It was an instant click. Within two months they were dating and it seemed like most of Burke's issues were disappearing. On his 18th birthday, Burke's estranged father made an appearance. After 8 years many things changed. Burke's father became an alcoholic and he was very poor. His girlfriend was usually strung out on heroin. The man that appeared at the birthday party was not the man that left 8 years ago. A rift was created that led to an argument behind closed doors between Burke and his father. That would be the last time they spoke. This led to a resurgence of Burke's depression and trust issues. They came back and they came back with force. Somehow, through many arguments, Burke and his girlfriend managed to stay together and even move in after a year and a half of dating. Though he was still battling demons, it appeared as if the two were going to get married. Burke was attending a University to earn a degree in biology and veterinary medicine. He worked as a veterinary assistant for his entire college career, or most of it. Another facet of life that Burke stumbled into was volunteering. During a class presentation, a woman with a wildlife group introduced Burke to a way to help animals. He jumped at it. Work, school, and volunteering were what kept Burke going most days, his girlfriend helped the rest of the time. It was by pure chance, a computing error, that Burke was selected for the "testing". The plague did not affect him that badly. No members of his immediate family were infected, nor was his girlfriend. School was shut down every once in awhile, overall, he was very oblivious to the impending doom. When he was selected it was a surprise, but he would be even more surprised by what he would see when he woke up 200 years later. [b]Old World Profession:[/b] College student most of the time, volunteer some of the time, and veterinary assistant the rest of the time. Most of his skills come from the volunteering or the job. He is somewhat knowledgeable in the veterinary field, as well as being able to perform some very BASIC medical procedures on humans. (Such as stitching, bandaging, stuff like that.) [b]Other:[/b] None. Sample Post: (This will help me gauge what kind of posts I can expect. I would like a specific topic to be posted here. Your character's last moments before being frozen. The lead up so to speak. At least two paragraphs)