Pain, Lucinda’s head was pounding as she fought to wake up. “Maybe I shouldn’t have had that last glass of beer. This hangover is a b-“ she murmured, her words cut short as she clutched her aching head in pain. Her eyes screwed tighter shut, the woman sitting up groggily in hopes of fetching the Advil from her cabinet. She needed something to dull the pounding in her head. [i]’ I should get up, sitting here won’t help.’[/i] With that in mind she put a hand to the ground, her eyes flying open in an instant as she felt the cold chill under her fingers. In seconds it was apparent that this was not her apartment in Germany. Instead of the warm wooden interior and plush carpet Lucinda found herself in what appeared to be a cellar. “How the hell did I get here?” she questions to no one in particular.

[I] The warm sensation of beer rushed down her throat, joining the previous two large mugs of beer she had already consumed. It had been a good day, now all she wanted was to relax and enjoy her long weekend. Lucinda took another hearty swig of her drink as a shadow passes over her. The girl turns on her bar stool to face several men, three in all, who had approached her. They murmured something in a language that the slightly drunk shape-shifter didn’t catch, smiling all the while. Something was directed at the barkeep and then before she had time to register what was happening the men pulled Lucinda from her seat. Once outside the establishment Lucinda realized the danger she was in, especially when she noted the scent of chloroform on one of the trio. Too drunk to think her actions through her right arm became metal, ready to fight. After several blows one got the upper hand and knocked her over the head, knocking her out.[/I]

At the memory Lucinda groaned, forcing herself to stand. Then, in the hopes of escape, she examined her surroundings. What she saw though horrified her. She wasn’t alone, several other bodies lay on the cold concrete ground. It seemed she wasn’t the only one trapped in this barren basement. Other than the people on the ground there didn’t seem to be anything else in the room besides a club of some sort that lay not far from her feet. “Great, just great.”