The mayhem in the corridor proved that the enemy may not have been outnumbered, but they were definitely outgunned. Shiva continued to cover the advance of her allies, shooting at anyone brave enough to make themselves apparent. One particular group of enemies was completely cut down by Rareth's teleporting ambush. Shiva only spotted spatters of blood and some traces of movement, but it was a telegraph enough for the last of Rareth's stumbling foes to line up just right with her sights. Without hesitation, Shiva shot the enemy Rothian dead before he knew where the plasma hitting him was coming from. Bit's own brand of suppression was more than welcome as the noise of high-explosives entered the mix. The scramble for better cover from the enemy troops gave Shiva opportunity enough to lift her weapon off her cover and sprint for a crate that was next to the rest of her squad. She now had a better view of the enemy, but needed a little less attention drawn to her before she could take any more reliable shots. She still had her own HE grenade on her harness, though. Perhaps if they could keep up the momentum... "Shuo! Where are they?!" Shiva shouted in lieu of radio communication, "Tell us where they're bunched up!"