I am up for this. my out of the animus templar is a WIP [hider=Templar in Animus] Templar in Animus- Name: Brigadier General Patrick Kelly Age (15+):34 Weapon of Choice:Kentucky Rifle Appearance:[img=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/64/Patrick_Kelly.jpg] Personality:Patrick Is a happy go lucky man fully believing in the ability of his new found homeland to fight the Union Tyrants He is almost always in good humor even in the darkest times. On the battle field he leads his men with unflinching courage even edging the men to stike up a song as they march into battle. Personally he perfers not to face the enemy head on believing a direct charge usually ends in horrid uneeded losses and much perfers to use his men as skirmishers constantly harassing enemy lines with well aimed fire. He has a strong sense of honor and loyalty to his homeland and the confederacey's cause believing it is needed to keep the world in balance and having the US remain whole is much too dangerous especially if it were to get caught in european affairs. Other:He keeps a shillelagh with a large metal head at his side at all times occassionally using it as a cane and always willing to bash in the head of a insubordinate solider or disrespectful Officer. [/hider] [hider=Templar Out of Animus] Name:Seamus Kelly Age (15+):28 Relation to Templar: His family has been in the templars as far as he can remember. His line was famed for being that line of saint patrick bringing catholicism and the interests of the templars to Ireland. Appearanxe: Seamus is a pale skinned and red haired he wears his hair shaggy and has a dark orange scuff as his beard. he is athleticlly built with freckles dotting his face. Personality: Seamus much like his ancestor Patrick is always in good humor always able and willing to crack a joke even in the direst straights but unlike his ancestor he is much more serious when it comes to his job, often going from a fun loving mood to a dark and serious tone when his business becomes appearent. he believes that the cause of the templars is to acheive justice and equal protection not matter the cost. he loathes lying but sees it as a nessecary evil in his line of work and breaking the law in this case if for the common good of one day achieving justice for everyone. Other: [/hider]