Shuo gritted his teeth as an enemy grenade went off just infront of the box he was hiding behind. Luckily the grenade was only human although it did lift the box up a just a bit rather than melting through it like any other grenade would have. Since he was rather close to the enemy for a gun fight Shuo had still managed to draw most of the enemy fire even from behind cover. He had been taking pot shots over the cover as frequently as he could even though the fire pinning him to that position was rather large. But he made sure to watch closely what his teammates were doing. Considering he had the best view he got to see the squad actually preform. He watched as Rareth hit the flanking detachment and the suit begin to suppress them. He also noticed Shiva firing her light plasma gun over the seat of a lifter, even though the weapon was laughably near her own size. But before he was able to take in much more of the scene Shuo felt a round lodge itself into the cover behind him. This meant that he needed to move, his cover was becoming non-exsistant. He quickly peeked around his cover and looked for another refuge he could take. The fire than seemed to hit a lull for a moment as he identified a new piece of cover. Deciding that he would not get a better chance or even more time to find better cover he threw himself off the ground and up into a near ground sprint. Once again he put himself into the line of fire, although this time he was within the kill zone of most shooters. This was not a place he wanted to be for long. But through the onslaught of fire Shuo heard Shiva ask for a target. The only thing that ran through his head was "Fuck". He knew that would speed up this engagement too which bothered him more than the fact that he would need to slow down in order to look. Shuo slowed his high speed just enough to get his head up from it's low position and get a good look at positions. This however made shots start hitting. He saw his shields flare up in front of him as he looked through the clouds of plasma bursting on him and bullets causing flares. But he saw it, a cluster of about 6 rebels of varying races. They looked like the center of the rebels field of fire from what he could make out from his quick glance. Just then his shields popped. He looked quickly to his cover. He was almost there, he decided it would be faster if he just jumped to the location and slid. He threw what power he could muster out of his sprint into a jump as a plasma round flew into him. He knew he had been hit but he was not sure where or if it had gone through his armor or not. But he landed on his chest as his feet slid the last little distance into full cover. He checked all the alarms that were now going off and did a damage report as he got up. Smoke was rising next to him so before he even checked the actual assement on his HUD he looked to his right shoulder. The shoulder piece and even a little into his collar were completely splattered back. While his shields spooled up Shuo looked back to his read outs and saw that he was still rated for space, though the suit seemed to think that he could take another hit in that same place from the same weapon. Shuo dismissed this and decided it was best to not get hit there again. He continued dismissing warnings taking mental note of all of them. Most of them were telling him about decreased quality in something but they would still work. He also didn't see his being mentioned at all which was all he needed. He then turned his attention back to the battle at hand and put out his analysis." Left! Near me! Hit It HARD soldier!"