Mira looked bored as she waited for the butler to get back from ‘announcing their presence’. [b]”Rooms on the second floor huh? Wonder how many floors are in this bitch,”[/b] she mumbled, arms crossed across her waist while looking up and walking in circles. She ignored the other girls basically, though the only one that actually bothered her was the creepy drawer girl. The other 2 seemed ok, just quiet. Boring. Mira stopped and looked to Val as he returned and led them to the dining hall, were 4 very dapper looking young men were. Hmm… they didn’t appear to be beasts at all. Seriously? These four were what the town was so worried about? She looked over them all over the top of her sunglasses before sighing and pushing them back up her nose. A fake, close lip smile donned her lips as she moved one hand in a sweeping, short wave. [b]”Hey,”[/b] she said flatly, putting her arm back over her other, leaving them crossed lazily, one hip stuck out a bit.