Rareth dropped behind cover long enough to reload her pistol as Shuo was moving up. Her team still controlled one side of the corridor, but the rebels still controlled the other, and there was a large group of them from which the majority of their fire was coming from. Shuo called them out, but even along the side they controlled, it would be difficult to move up. As well, if they let off on keeping the rebels suppressed, they might be able to move around to flank. After peeking out to fire a few more rounds downrange, Rareth formed an idea of how exactly they could eliminate the most clustered targets. By this point, they had moved up close enough to the rebels that they were within range of grenade throws, but far enough that the accuracy of a toss was not guaranteed. Nevertheless, Rareth quickly grabbed a grenade from her belt and quickly set it to the highest radius setting. It would not be as concentrated of a blast, but for most infantry, that did not really matter. "Grenades, now!" Rareth shouted, delaying her own toss just long enough to be sure that all of their grenades would be in the air at the same time. With a bit of telekinesis, she could make sure that most of their grenades found their marks.