[i]The hallway was long, dark, and damp. Fungus and moss hung from every crack and crevice. Water, rain possibly, dripped down from the broken metal ceiling. The walls were metallic and had no differences. It was a maze. A terrible maze that seemed to have no end. Puddles had formed in random assortments throughout the tunnels. A boot, fitted for a male of mostly average size, stomped into the puddle splashing droplets all around it. Another boot, a match to the other, slammed onto the ground. It was a man, dirty, tired, and sweating. He was running as fast as he could, breathing heavily, almost wheezing. Beads of sweat dropped from his brow onto the ground, some large and the rest small. Every few steps he would spin his head around to peer down the hallway. What little light there was behind him was being sucked away into a dark abyss. It appeared like a shadow was following him, but the shadow emitted a presence, as if there was a figure within the darkness that was chasing the man. It was sickness. Thomas figured it out. The presence that was following him was the plague itself. [b]"How are you even...?!"[/b] he yelled at it, not being able to articulate the last part of the sentence. What Thomas was trying to spurt out was something along the lines of how could the plague manifest itself as a person. How was this real, essentially. But it was happening, it was chasing him, and if it caught him, he would surely die. Thomas continued to run, and run, and run. The hallway twisted and turned, but it never actually ended. There was no door at the end, or window to jump through in true action movie fashion. It was just a disgusting tunnel with a monster close behind. That changed quickly however. Thomas heard a voice deep within the tunnel. [b]"Process ending. Awakening subject now"[/b]. The voice was robotic and monotone, but it was a welcome change. Thomas did not stop running, the presence was still only a few steps behind him. Suddenly the ceiling of the tunnel was torn apart, sending debris into a light grey mist above. [b]"Oh fuck, oh fuck!"[/b] Thomas shouted, believing his situation to be worsening. The plague was closer now than it was at any other point, in fact, Thomas could feel a cold hand reaching out from behind. It was all over now, he was caught, he was dead. But something, without warning, happened to change that. The mist parted and toppled down onto him. Within seconds Thomas was enveloped in the light grey cloud. The sound of footsteps gave way to a loud, repetitive, beeping. The beeping grew louder and louder. A gust of air blew across Thomas's face, and then he blacked out.[/i] The seal had been lifted for a few minutes before Thomas finally slung himself forward. With a deep breath, he filled his lungs with air once more. At first his eyes would not open, words could not be formulated, and he was weak. It was unreal. Thomas had no idea where he was. Seconds ago he was being chased by a monster and now he was somewhere else. Heaven. That is where he thought he was. As Thomas forced his eyes open, the only thing he could see was blurs. It was all a blur, everything. There were lights and shadows, and even other figures, but mostly blurs. Finally Thomas was able to articulate a sound, a loud shout. That was followed by tears. As the tears continued to fall from his face, his vision began to clear. Within two minutes, he knew that he was not in heaven, but in space. It had been 50 years. The dream felt like it had only lasted for a few seconds, but it was 50 years. Thomas was not able to remove himself from the cryogenics pod at first, but when his strength returned, he stumbled to the window. It looked close kind of, but at the same time it was so far. Earth. It was just waiting for him, waiting for him to come home. It had been a long time but Thomas had cousins down there, they would hopefully be waiting on his return, older, but still his cousins. After thinking about his return for a few more moments, Thomas began to move around the large metal room he was in. All of the breath in his body left him when he returned to his pod to see the date plastered in green computerized words. It was 2230. Not 50 years, but 200. Thomas felt himself become nauseous and did everything in his power to keep it down. He placed both hands on the pod and slid down, leaning his back against it until he was in a sitting position. There were no words, no thoughts, it was all just shock. Blank. His expression was blank.