The grenade that set off right near Shuo made Shiva flinch, but he wasn't badly affected. Even with the fire drawn towards himself, Shuo did well to manage his shield integrity and find a target for the grenade Shiva held in her hand. Shiva hazarded a peek, but Rareth's order drove her to activate her own grenade and lob it where Shuo had directed. She was completely unaware that Rareth was manipulating its trajectory, but the resulting explosion sounded like it had been placed properly. Now that the enemy troops were shaken, Shiva stood up and whirled around, slamming her weapon down on the crate she had for cover and pulling the trigger in the enemy's direction. She silently dared any one of them to poke their heads up while she suppressed. Now the direction of the firefight had noticeably ebbed, and the squad could take more ground.