Nyima patted his back, "Ya, ya, ya." Once the two of them said hello, she pushed Rayn out of the door and locked up. She clapped her hands together, "Let's go!" She always loved the Celestial Spirit Festival. However, it was always rather boring in the North with most people travelling to the South. Apparently the South had a carnival and everything, the North hardly had lights. It often just ended up a meal with the family and cheers to the spirits. She was excited to see what Republic City did. They reached the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center to see people walking into the building. She looked up at Rayn, "No running." She smiled at him as they too walked into the building. Nyima had never walked into the building before today, so she was amazed by the size. There were stalls set up selling food, mainly from the Southern Water Tribe with food from other nations here and there. There were carnival games, as she assumed they were trying to give the vibe of the South. Sprinkled around the room were tables for people eating. There were more stalls selling things, some to do the festival itself, other to do with the Water Tribes. At the very back of the large room was a dance floor. She looked around grinning, "What should we do first?"