Maveri let out a deep laugh "How sweet, a welcome party!" Before another word was spoken by either side Maveri raised his hand, signing to his men. Instantly several smoke grenades were thrown forward, swiftly followed by the blaster fire from both sides. Unlike the enemy, his men had the sense to kneel and avoid the line of fire, as a result he heard at least four bodies fall within the smoke. Maveri stood in the centre of his group deflecting a great deal of the blasts, twice making contact with shots he sent back. As the smoke cleared he smiled, before him lay ten men, but their was still more to take out. Jumping high in the air Maveri landing as he lunged his lightsaber into a guards chest, only to rip it out and slash another in the arm. "Watch out for the big fellas!" Earlish yelled, as he blasted a couple of oncoming guards with expert precision. Maveri had just realized that Earlish was referring to the Herglic behemoths, seconds before one started charging toward him. Sliding along the marble floor, Maveri held his lightsaber steady, slicing straight through the Herglics underbelly. Needless to say the huge bodyguard cried in pain before collapsing to his death. As he stood, he watched the second Herglic lift the cowardly Bith, beginning to carry the Cartel boss out of the hall. Instinctively Maveri threw his lightsaber toward the retreating duo, catching the legs of the Herglic, whom collapsed on his master. Strolling toward Groga he knelt and looked his adversary in the eye "It would appear your rather stuck...lets talk." ((Do your stuff, he`s stuck underneath the Herglic at the minute))