As everyone ran into the cloister of trials Persephone decided it was better if she ran for some help. First thing she thought was to get coach Tidus and Lady Yuna. She ran out of the temple and sprinted for their home which was the farthest from the temple. Tidus was repairing something on his home, last minute chores for the misses no doubt before he went to Luca. "Coach! Coach! " she slid to a stop and rested her hands on her knees. At this moment Lady Yuna came out and asked. " Persephone ? What's the matter?" She quickly told both of them about what happened at the temple and that Gippal and Alex are after the girl but she felt they needed to know... Because they were the final summoner and guardian. They were always aloud down there. Tidus picked up his sword and looked to Yuna. " Let's go, it's probably safe enough in there, Waka and I went through a week ago to deal with the more dangerous Fiends. But you never know if we missed one." Yuna nodded and went inside to get her pistols, and quickly came out and they all went to the temple and down the Cloister of trials. They breezed through the fiends that came up and when they came to the main chamber they heard a loud crash and looked up Persephone saw Urick, Alex, a blonde girl and Gippal holding the black haired girl looking in the chamber of fayth. Yuna slowly walked up to the stairs when they heard a low hum and Gippal asking "Do you guys hear that?" As it got louder. Yuna slowly walked up the stairs with her guns holstered now. Persephone and Tidus followed behind her. Persephone could tell Lady Yuna was angry yet was very much in control of her Anger. But as she heard the hum she notice confusion in the. Lady Yunas posture. She quickly moved forward and pushed through the group, her anger gone she dropped to her knees and carefully brushed the shattered glass away from the head Of the statue. "Valefor..." Yuna said softly as she watched the color continue to return now half of the torso was colored Yuna looked back at the group and said . "What happened." With a stern voice