[I] "Fucking hell, what the fuck happened back there Bug?" Screamed Kodiak over the encrypted blue tooth device in his ear, "You have a traitor in your midst." "No shit, whose the rat?" "I don't know, but find out or you guys won't make it tomorrow." With that said Kodiak hung up and the group hit the safe house. The arguing was intense people pointing guns and fingers at each other Travis and Cecilia Andrews better known as "Cowboy and Harpy" just ignored it, this happened almost every week as sometimes money would disappear or something or other, it was just part of the game. As they laid cuddled together on the couch Kodiak walked in "Can i speak with you for a second Harpy?" Kodiak asked she nodded and they went into another room, about fifteen minutes the whole crew was called into the basement. Standing apart from Kodiak was Cecilia. "Shes the rat..." Kodiak said "How do you know?" Jared asked "She fucking admitted it when i grilled her." Cecilia nodded "I'm with the FBI." She said softly swallowing a lump in her throat, there was a collective swearing from the group but Jared didn't say anything he felt like he had been punched in the gut. "You fucking used, me you fucking nark!." Jared swore, "I didn't, i swear I love you Jared." She looked to him her eyes pleading with him to believe her. "Kill her Jared." Kodiak said non caring to the situation. Jared drew his revolver and pointed it at the girl he loved, but he hesitated on pulling the trigger, that's when she spoke up. "Just do it Jared, just know i will always love you nark or not." Right there his heart broke in two, "Fucking kill the bitch, Jared before i do." Kodiak shouted, "Fuck!!!" Jared shouted as he pulled the trigger, blowing away the girl he loved blood splattering the floor as the body hit the floor with a thud. Kodiak patted Jared on the back and muttered something but he didn't hear it, then Kodiak turned to the group. "This is what happens when you fucking nark." He said then he went on about their next job. ---------- [b] Four Years later [/b] Jared sat in his office in his new house in Oregon, it sat on a cliff face and watched over Portland. The virus was in full swing and the city was rife with looting, smoke could be seen in the distance as they burned bodies of the infected and killed each other, his chair faced the wide windows so he could watch the city burn. "Doesn't look any different from any other day." He muttered as he turned and reached into his desk pulling out a lock box, taped to the underside of his desk was the key to the lock box pulled out the key he unlocked it revealing the revolver he had used in his heists four years ago and a picture of Cecilia, he began to talk to her picture. "I'm living the life babe, and maggots are eating your body. Doesn't seem fair sweetheart, but then again life isn't fair." He chuckled and continued. "You know all that nasty work feels like a million years ago, I went clean tried to help people and cure something that seems like a threat. I just fucking made it worse." He laughed manically this time his laugh echoing off the walls, "Guess i had this coming i should of just done it sooner. Way before i met the crew." He said and with that he grabbed the revolver and pulled the hammer back but before he could pull the trigger his phone went off. He pulled the smart phone from the breast pocket of his suit and answered it. "Hello?" He asked, the voice on the other end was female and sounded pretty sexy. "Is this Mr.Miller Partner and CMO of Titan Pharmaceuticals?" "Yes i am Sweetheart." "Mr.Miller, someone with NASA is going to pull up momentarily to take you off of earth." [b]”Process Ending. Awakening Subject Now”[/b] "Wait, what?" He asked confused as all hell. "Goodbye Mr.Miller." And with that she hung up, she was right someone with NASA did show up momentarily and they explained everything. About how he could help rebuild humanity, and escape the plague. They didn't really offer him a choice, but he still accepted. When they loaded him on the craft he looked back at earth on last time and shook his head knowing that when he returns it will be different. [/i] -------------- [b] 200 years later [/b] Travis shot awake, slamming his head on the lid of his chamber, instinctively his hands went for his head to rub away the pain. "Fucking, Owww." He swore. The tube opened and he fell to the ground as soon as he got off his legs not quite used to having not been used in awhile. But like a baby calf eventually he stood wobbley, then he was back to normal. He looked around and saw two people already awake. But he said nothing to them as his eyes focused on the chamber telling him how long he had been asleep. When he saw the number he just chuckled. "Two hundred years huh? Hope you guys said your goodbyes." He said.