[b]Name:[/b] Baqwis Feng 
[b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Jinin 
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Age:[/b] 15 years old
[b]Ability (type of bending, if non-bender specific skill):[/b] Bloodbender

[b]Weapon of Choice:[/b]
A [i][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcYVjxac2Kw]Qilinbian[/url][/i] or a variation of the whip that is unique in that the whip is chainlinked, and attached to a leather coated metal handle. Baqwis often takes it a step further, wrapping barbed wires wrapped around the edges. In general, the barb wire is meant more for Baqwis's personal benefit, rather than as another means to injure an enemy. Usually Baqwis will draw blood from his own palms on the barbed wire, rather than carry a knife or a pin needle or let alone [i]bite himself[/i]. That doesn't mean it's super effective however, especially when it comes to ripping people's skin off (which is the general idea). The cracker at the end of it is made out of [url=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/design56/design561106/design56110600544/9767990-bundle-of-red-nylon-rope-on-white-background.jpg]braided nylon[/url] which is tied in a very tight knot. In all, the entire length of the whip extends just a little bit past five feet.

[b]Biography (should be detailed, 3-5 paragraphs, at least):[/b]
Baqwis was born into a family of bloodbenders who, like a majority of Baqwis' comrades, found that all of life depended on the survival of the fittest. From an early age Baqwis was taught to lie, cheat, and steal his way into safety and happiness. Indeed, many other families were of the same opinion that it didn't matter how you did it. All that mattered is being alive and on top. The prospect of getting into good standing with Master Ro meant a chance to aid in the Blood Nation dream of dominating other nations. Baqwis knew that if he were to successfully complete a raid against a neighboring nation, he would bring great honor to his family. His brother too knew this, and would train harder than him, became smarter than him. Baqwis' older brother, he was the symbol of hope for his family. He was perfection. While Baqwis went through the same training routine, as well as had the same education, he was never as elevated to the high standard that his brother was. Of course, his brother was also a child prodigy, fearless in his bloodbending technique. He did not flinch when he was faced with death. He did not cower at the sight of torture. He did not care much for the rumored cannibalism, and in fact Baqwis swore he overheard his brother and his father talking about supporting it. Baqwis, on the other hand, hated the sight of other people's blood just as much as he hated seeing others in pain. In response to his anxieties regarding his own people's way of life, Baqwis began chewing away at himself, as if to ward people against seeing him as weak. For the most part it has worked.

Baqwis is by no means a cannibal. Nor is he a warrior. He resents those stereotypes, produced as a result of his people's warmongering and corruption. Baqwis is a very peaceful soul at heart, who wants nothing more but to patch a broken world together. Sadly, this is not a worldview that is looked upon fondly by his people. Not once did Baqwis ever consider sharing his thoughts with his family. For the most part, Baqwis had gladly accepted their harsh criticisms of his frailty. Poor Baqwis wouldn't be considered for the Blood Raiders probably, if it weren't for his motor skills. Where he fails in strength in bravery, Baqwis excels in wit and control. This is shown in his own handling of his weapon, which is a variation of his homeland's bullwhip. Certainly his skills were recognizable, and they have been, by a mercenary group no less. These crooks were different, however. For one, none of them wanted to fight in the raids. Sure, they wanted money and some much needed supplies, but they never wanted to pillage. The head honcho was a business man, who ran (of all things) a bounty business. He hired mercenaries to collect bounties placed on criminals, but instead of payment they demanded 1 pint of blood from each criminal. They would then sell the blood gathered on the market, mostly so closet cannibals can have their fix. It was a pretty good business overall. People who couldn't pay in currency offered of some family valuables sometimes, which the leader would auction off for even more money. It was all very surprising and new to Baqwis, and he often wondered why they would do all this.

He never told his family he was a bounty hunter, knowing fair well they would rather him go overseas and pillage for the motherland. When asked about his work outside of the house or his training, or even school, Baqwis would tell them that he was still waiting for Master Ro to chose him for his next deployment. This worked, until one of his family members found that there was a good chance the boy was bluffing, and suggested that he was kicked out like a dog to fend for himself if he couldn't take his training seriously enough. Baqwis would be lying if he ever said he was disappointed. He was heartbroken for sure, but he somehow felt that he was looking forward to the day he could leave his family behind. His own regret was that they didn't choose to do it any sooner.

Baqwis later moved in an apartment with one of his partners. The two of them lived just above what was perhaps the creepiest old lady ever, who apparently ran some sort of "soup shop". The two carried out their boss' business as usually until very special day. It was announced to the group of mercenaries that finally, after days of business, they had enough money to buy for themselves a yacht, on which they were to travel to other lands. They were going to start their own small colony elsewhere free of the dictatorship of the Master Ro, a corrupt politician if they ever saw one. Baqwis was confused, but hopeful as well, He trusted his leader's intuitation almost as well as he trusted his own. More than anything, he wanted to see the world for what it was truly like, and not through what his forefathers had told him.

[b]Special Information (any quirks we should know about):[/b]
---Has a nasty habit of licking his own blood, and picking at his own scabs. Keep in mind Baqwis would rather die than drink the blood of others, so many might see this as an oddity. Yet for Baqwis, it is just a way for him to relieve his anxieties.
---By extension, Baqwis bites his nails and even his skin when he's really nervous. It's generally a good rule of thumb not to call attention to this stuff. Baqwis doesn't get offended easily, but that doesn't mean he won't find you hostile.
