Rareth tossed her own fusion grenade along with the grenades from the others. With each one, she used her telekinetic abilities to divert them precisely in the direction of their enemies, being careful to keep them away from Shuo, who was closest to the enemy. Since they had suddenly changed course in flight, most of the rebels could not react quickly enough to avoid the blasts, namely the group of six which were largely eviscerated by Shiva's grenade. Although there were yet more rebels left on the opposite half of the passageway, their path to their destination was clear. All they needed to do was to make a run for the door. Rareth rushed forward quickly, taking up a cover position near one of the containers ahead of them which would protect her from the remaining hostiles, who were now in a position to flank.from behind them. "Run for it, get tot he door! Shuo, help me cover." She shouted. If Shuo could keep any pursuing hostiles suppressed on the left side of the passageway, then Rareth could hold them on the right, since they would need to close in on her in order to get an angle on her allies.