[center][b]Kanamaru 'Joshua' Matisashi[/b][/center] [center][img=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/224/a/c/hyper_york__underground_chinatown_by_inetgrafx-d5avwxr.jpg][/center] [center][i]„Asiatown at night, the cities night activities bustling as always.”[/i][/center] Kanamaru looked Misty into her eyes as she threw the blanket away to the best of her abilities then deny the beer. He shrugged with his shoulders, throwing the beer into her lap anyway. [b]„Suit yourself, baka. But if you think we'll ask for a ransom right away you're stupid.”[/b] And with that he ended the discussion, taking the blanket again and tossing it into her face. It got cold in this garage, because it wasn't heated and all areas of the building were concrete. She'd thank him later he reckoned. [b]„Also, don't use that tone against me. I'm not Shizui, and I don't care to roughen you up a bit if you keep up that attitude. We just want our money so we can get our families out of the slum you and your shitty company created.”[/b] He slowly drew himself back from the van, spitting on the ground besides it and then slamming the door shut, leaving Misty inside in the darkness. Meanwhile he'd leave around the backside of the building, waving a quick goodbye to Shizui and the rest of the guys. He put a cigarette into his mouth as he left, grabbed his lighter and lit up. Sweet, pure smoke entering his lungs. Somehow he felt more calm from the anger he had felt moments before. After taking a few drags he hopped onto the hoverbike and shoved the helmet over his face. [center][img]http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/121/1/3/hoverbike_concept_by_roflsoldier-d4y6l0t.jpg[/img][/center] Slowly the bike hovered up again, still warm from the previous flight around town and it's roads. He'd turn around the hoverbike and then hovered it quietly out of the alleyway before speeding up, headed past the museum where he noticed some ruckus as the lady he'd ran his hoverbike into earlier was talking to a seriously outdated android looking bot, except this one had no skin. Strange. The busstop ad-place lit up a few times brightly but by the time he'd realized it he'd already hovered past it at high speeds. Using his body as a weight he maneuvered past the cars rapidly, zooving between the cars at speeds that were illegal in every area of Providence. Then he started slowing down as he'd approach a night-store. By now Kanamaru was already used to the hierarchy in Shizui's BB, or otherwise known amongst the Providence Police Department as the Bamboo Boyz, the street gang that occupied Asiatown. And that hierarchy meant he was on guard duty tonight, and was supposed to entertain himself during the nightly hours he'd have to spend with this CEO. He got off the bike but left it hovering, walking into the stores and browsing the racks. He grabbed an Eo-eo novel, about a guy called Eo-eo who was supposed to rescue the world but instead chose to sleep in his bed. It was mostly nonsense, but it used dry clever humor that Kanamaru liked. Besides that he got some Providence Cola, along with a bag of candy. He paid for his stuff and hopped on the bike again and headed back to the car shop, parking his bike behind as per usual and walking back in. Now, Misty would have been sitting in the dark van for about an hour before Kanamaru would reappear, sliding the door open violently before stepping in himself, and closing the door behind him. Laughter of the Asian gangmembers was the last thing Misty'd hear before the sounds dampened with the door between them. Kanamaru would sit down, grabbing a pillow from the front seat. Why was it there to begin with he asked himself, but the fact that this van was used more to chill in than to abduct people was probably the reason. He put it behind his head as he laid comfortably in the van, beginning to read the Eo-eo novel with a seemingly focussed mind, drinking from the Providence Cola and eating candy. After 15 minutes of silence he'd grab a cigarette from his sports jackets' pocket and light it up. Another 30 minutes of silence passed before Kanamaru finished the short novel, laying it down next to him and beginning a death stare aimed at Misty. After five minutes of deadly staring, an angry look contorting his face, he'd open his mouth. [b]„Why do you and your company do what you do?”[/b] He'd shift his position slightly, sitting upright a bit more, looking at Misty as if she was some criminal rather than the other way around. [b]„You destroy lives you know. My father worked for your company for 25 years and next month he'll be laid off because they he's ''too old.'' He's barely 50. He has no degree or education. What do you expect him to do to earn money? You wanna have us rot? Baka. You and your company know nothing of real life. You just sit in your glass towers and drink expensive wine, food that is worth my dad's monthly income and drive cars that my dad wouldn't be able to earn the money for if he worked day and night, 24 hours a day every day for the rest of his life. Maybe not even if you doubled his lifespan. And I'm sitting here, and Longsword is probably already on their way to where we captured you. Tracking the traces, the footsteps, the bullets I fired. Within the next month I'll be either in jail or dead.”[/b] He'd look at her angrily waiting for an answer he was unsure of whether it would come or not. He'd scoff at her and shrug, leaning back again. [b]„Atleast if your company or family pays for you, I'll live those days like a king. Well. I would. But I gotta support my family because my paps' can't anymore due to you. Do you have a family, redhead?”[/b] he'd ask ask he put his hands behind his head on the pillow, looking at her in relative comfort. He'd try and see if she had drunk the beer, and checked whether or not she'd used the blanket. The van she was in wasn't very comfortable if you weren't sitting on a pillow like Kanamaru was, and knowing Shizui or the BB, they wouldn't care if she sat on bare metal or a pillow. She was kind of lucky she still had her 3000 dollar shoes. Well, Kanamaru just guessed they were 3000 dollar. He had no idea what those kind of shoes cost. Streetwear was his forté, as proven by his Providas 'White King Sneakerz' limited edition shoes. They fell of a truck, but nobody knows that. [b]„I wonder how much your family will pay for you. Will your husband even care if we shoot you? He'll probably get an android of sorts to replace you. An android he can sleep with, one to raise his.. your children. It's fine though. Paid by whatever he inherits from you.”[/b]