Doc took a step back in disbelief when he heard the voice. A weapon was talking? How could that be... In curiosity, Doc crossed over to the bludgeon and picked it up, weighing it in his hands. It looked like a piece of junk, just a bid wooden stick. He questioned his sanity for a moment. Had he really just heard this piece of rubbish talk? He let out a sigh, and talked back. 

"Er... Y-you can talk?" was all he could muster. He swung it around slowly, almost afraid that he might hurt the thing. He tossed it up in the air an caught it with a grunt.

"Wait a minute..." he muttered, "How'd you know I was a doctor?" He was now scowling at it, and scratching his beard. Now, he really questioned his sanity. Either that, or he was just plain stupid. He remembered what his father always told him- 'Ya' can't fix stupid, boy!'

"Did you guys hear that?" he asked the rest of the group, which was now mostly conscious.