Doc's eyes widened when what used to be a huge stick, changed into a crowbar. He looked up at everybody else, a confused look on his face, and looked around for a door. There was a large set of dust-covered stairs that led up to a door. It even looked like it didn't want to open. Doc cleared his throat uncertainly, and slowly made his way up the stairs, holding the crowbar, or Anari, or big wooden stick, or whatever it was called, with both hands. The steps creaked loudly as he stepped onto each one. He looked at the door with a certain disgust and stuck the thing into the door and pulled. It didn't budge for quite some time, no matter how hard he pulled. A few more pulls and he heard a cracking sound. He took the crowbar out and pulled on the doorknob. It was stuck again. Doc tilted his head, now even more confused than ever. "Ok... I thought it was just about to open..." he muttered, cursing to himself.