[b]Dex - Home - Tessa[/b] As the girl explained, Dex knew damn well she was lying. She just had this dismissive eye contact where she'd look away for just a little bit when she lied - or so Dex picked up. So with the thought that everything she had just stated was bullsh*t, Dex ordered her to sit on the chair by the dining room table. " Sit down and stop talking!" He ordered, forcing her to move with gunpoint. After she followed Dex's commands and sat, he took the liberty of sitting across from her, placing the gun on the table as he reached over and got a new cig. After lighting it and taking a puff, he exhaled and allowed the smoke to flourish through his general area along with the aroma. "Now. Were gonna start over. One thing is sure, you're lyin and believe me darlin, I don't like liars. Lying gets you killed. So tell me why you're here before I have to call the cops for trespassing or whatever charges they want to get you with" Dex stated, trying to get the truth out of her. She was in no position to lie to him again. If she did, it'd all be over for her. Suddenly, a knock blasted at the front door. Dex became alert and took hold if his gun. "Stay here, were not done yet" the man stated, getting off the chair and heading to the front door. He looked through the peephole to find James Herbert on the other side if the door. Mr. Herbert was an old neighbor and close friend of both his and Taylor's. Dex hid the gun under his shirt in his buckle and opened the door. "Long time no see Mr. Herbert" Dex smiled. It was nice to see an old friend. "Dex my son, it's been so long. The wife heard you arrived today, it's nice to see you again" the older gentlemansaid with a gentle grin. But that added as he took a breath before speaking again. "Taylor's parents called us today. PD informed them you were our, but because you're phone plan was cancelled, they called us instead" James informed Dex. "What did they want?" Dex asked as his smile also faded. "They went to see me once when I was in, why contact me now?" He asked. "They didn't say son, I'm just the measenger. Anyhow, I just drop by to let you know. You should call them. Anyway, I'll see you around" the neighbor said as he waved and left back to his house. Dex nodded and closed the door. "Blasted in-laws. Blame me for what happened" he cursed silently. He returned to the kitchen to find the girl still sitting there. He scratched the back of his head and turned to her. "So, D'you gonna answer me or do you want the cops to show up? Those same cops that......" He paused, not wanting to finish his sentence because the memory was too crucial and painful.