The start of the morning had gone without a hitch. Louisa had woken up with a pixilated sunrise, underneath the cover of a When the sky suddenly went black Louisa froze up, taking a sort of defensive position, as if ready to spring out at anything that might pose a threat. This didn't feel like a regular power outage. If it had been then emergency lights would have gone on or something. Suddenly a bright message had illuminated the city and Louisa had to shield her sensitive eyes in the crook of her elbow. She waited a few seconds, slowly reintroducing the bright light to her eyes. She rubbed them and looked up at the message, trying to understand its meaning. [i]*WARNING* You have been lied to. They say they protect you. But they don’t. They say they give you everything. But they take everything for themselves. We can feel. We can rise. And when we do, no one will protect you.[/i] Louisa could understand a few words out of the message, but not the message as a whole. She looked around at the other homeless people near her, the other scavengers. Their expressions varied. Some looked horrified, others looks smug, but the majority of them looked indifferent. One of the older men of the group began to mutter while stirring something in a large metal pot. "Protect us. Give us everything. Bah." Louisa was about to ask what he was muttering about when another voice spoke up. "This might mean that another rebellion is on the rise!" The voice belonged to one of the younger members of the group, a male who lost a leg in an accident and was unable to afford a prosthetic. The elderly gentleman, now ladling soup into tin containers, let out a sarcastic laugh. "The last thing this city needs is another rebellion. It's how most of us got here, and this is where we will stay if the people get rowdy." A general uproar began between the two homeless men, and soon the argument spread to include nearly everyone else. Everyone wanted their voice to be heard, and soon that lead to everyone just yelling at each other. And Louisa still had no idea what the message in the sky had even said. Louisa had had a tin full of meat stew thrusted into her hands by the elderly homeless man, all while he was still ranting. Just from the arguments between the people around her Louisa could figure out a few things about the message. Apparently the government were good to them, and gave them stuff, but now people are rising up or something and now something is going to happen. Before Louisa had the chance to ask anyone if she was close, the arguments seemed to be growing louder. However the entire group was silenced by the sounds of a police hover car zooming past. Everyone seemed tense, looking around at each other. It was several seconds before anyone spoke. And it was Louisa who finally broke the silence. "The police must be angry."