[Center]Tessa - Dex's home[/center] Tessa did as she was told. She didn't particularly feel like having a bullet meet any part of her anatomy. She sat at the table unsure of what exactly to tell this man. [i]"Now. Were gonna start over. One thing is sure, you're lyin and believe me darlin, I don't like liars. Lying gets you killed. So tell me why you're here before I have to call the cops for trespassing or whatever charges they want to get you with."[/i] Tessa couldn't quite find the words, but she was got lucky. Someone knocked at the door. [i]"Stay here, were not done yet"[/i] The man left her to answer the door. Tessa stood and followed the man, she hid behind a section of wall to listen. [i]"Long time no see Mr. Herbert. Dex my son, it's been so long. The wife heard you arrived today, it's nice to see you again. Taylor's parents called us today. PD informed them you were our, but because you're phone plan was cancelled, they called us instead"[/i] The man on the other side of the door spoke. Tessa's heart pounded. Hark was involved in this guy, Dex's life. He had been in jail. [i]"What did they want? They went to see me once when I was in, why contact me now?"[/i] [i]"They didn't say son, I'm just the messenger. Anyhow, I just drop by to let you know. You should call them. Anyway, I'll see you around"[/i] Tessa moved quickly back to the seat int he dinning room, which is where Dex found her. [i] "So, D'you gonna answer me or do you want the cops to show up? Those same cops that......"[/i] Tessa looked tense. "Look I don't know who you are, or anything. I don't want anything in your house either. I wasn't completely lying. This place has been empty for so long a few people have used it as a place to sleep. You'll probably want to get that bedroom window fixed. I swear. I just," She took a deep breath. "Here's the thing. I am wanted by Hark. Falsely I might add. Why doesn't matter, but I don't want to mess with them any more than you do." Tessa was nearly holding her breath. She didn't want to make it look like she had listened in. His hesitation at talking about Hark could be enough for someone to assume he didn't want to mess with them.