Five looked at her face, studying it with his one working camera, [i]are her emotions real?[/i] Suddenly he snapped back into focus from his deep processing and slowly got up, he stood taller then the female android, though now that she displayed emotion he wasn't sure if she was in android. He gave the female a rather human gesture, a hug, having seen enough of them to know it was a sign of comfort and affection. Releasing her he turned away and continued to walk in the direction he was heading in, deeper into the build site. He brushed past a lot of other androids(?) and humans as he limped along, not being able to tell who was what, he decided that they were humans and kept going forward.  Five found himself alone in the thick of the construction site and thankfully there tools were abundant, he began walking around and licking up tools and materials he'd need to fix himself, carefully picking out the right size screw and bolts out of large crates of them. When he was satisfied with what he had scrounged he found himself a nice corner in the top floor of an unfinished building and started to fix himself, unscrewing aluminum panels off his damaged arm and leg. He inspected the inside of his leg first, the titanium bone was bent, he rectified that's with a few bangs of a hammer, his arm was going to be a problem, the skeleton there was shattered and his should wasn't connected to the rest of the arm. Unscrewing the broken segmants he replaced them with rebar, they would have to do for now. He found that his power reserves were low, looking around to see if there was anyone else there was no one, he switched off and went on standby to let his internal dynamo charge him up.